Saturday, July 11, 2015

Earth Facing Imminent Mini-Ice Age

by JASmius

It does occur to me that regularly publishing "WE'RE ALL GONNA FREEZE!!!!!" posts to counter the global warming hoaxters runs the risk of sounding as hysterical in the opposite direction as they do.  The difference, though, is that we aren't claiming that the approaching "little ice age" is anthropogenic; it is, instead, based upon a centuries-long scientific baseline of patterns in the rise and fall of solar activity:

The scientists who issued a dire warning during the 1970s about an impending new "Ice Age" that would start in about the year 2020 may have been right after all, with one group of scientific researchers now warning that in about five years Earth may start to dip into a miniature Ice Age if conflicting solar systems cancel each other out.

Of course, the 1970s-era "political scientists" who issued their dire ice age warnings did so based on....anthropogenic arguments - in this case, that "Snowball Earth" would be the product of man-made "pollution" somehow, and not the local star that actually controls our planet's climate.

The phenomenon is called the "Maunder minimum," and was last experienced in the period between 1646 and 1715, reports the [London] Daily Mail, and caused London's River Thames to freeze over.

According to results presented by Professor Valentina Zharkova at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno, the new solar cycle models are producing accurate predictions of irregularities in two layers of [Sol], one that is close to its surface and the other deeper inside, and suggest that solar activity could drop by 60% in the 2030s.

The waves will start becoming increasingly offset in the year 2022 when one cycle peaks, the model shows, while during the following cycle, covering the decade between 2030-2040, the waves will be out of sync, which will cause the reduction in solar activity, the model predicts.

"In cycle twenty-six, the two waves exactly mirror each other – peaking at the same time but in opposite hemispheres of [Sol]," Zharkova commented. "Their interaction will be disruptive, or they will nearly cancel each other. We predict that this will lead to the properties of a 'Maunder minimum.'"

When the waves are in phase, though, there is strong solar activity, but when there is "full phase separation," the Maunder conditions take over, according to the researchers.

So.  The only "climate change" that's coming is dramatic global cooling, and if the greenstremists get their way, we won't have inexpensive and plentiful fossil fuels to keep our homes and offices warm, we'll all be so poor that we won't be able to afford what meager "green" energy that is left for us after the Obamunist party elites take the lion's share for themselves, there will be even less solar energy to be collected than there is now because our sun will be putting out much less of it, and that same reduction in solar energy output will reduce winds around the planet, meaning less wind "power" as well.  Have I left anything out?

Oh, yes, one more thing: The greenstremists will blame the next "little ice age" on.....anthropogenic global warming.  That never actually happened.

It's gotta be nice to always be right no matter how many times you're wrong.  Must be what keeps greenstemists warm when it gets cold out.

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