I guess Barack Obama isn't surrendering fast enough. But that's what happens when you raise the enemy's expectations into outer space, I guess:
Iran accused major powers on Friday of backtracking on previous pledges and throwing up new "red lines" at nuclear talks, after the deadline to reach an agreement in time to receive expedited scrutiny from the U.S. Congress expired with no deal.
Iran's foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said a deal was unlikely to be reached on Friday and negotiators would probably spend the weekend in Vienna.
"Now, they have excessive demands," he said of the powers' negotiating position.
"Intense meetings". "Heated exchanges" between John Kerry and Mohammad Javad Zarif, his Iranian counterpart. It makes for at least passable kabuki theater performance art, I suppose. But none of it can be taken seriously, since the Obama Regime has conceded everything to the mullahs. There are literally no more concessions to be made to Tehran to get even a horrible "deal".
So if you're Ali Khamenei and you know that your enemy is in a frenzied mania to do whatever it takes to get a "deal," like a drug addict in the throes of withdrawal who would do anything to get his next "hit," and they've caved to all your demands in the existing context, what do you do then? You expand the context. You invent new demands and then angrily flog your enemy for not having met them and accuse them of the very thing you are doing. Because yours is a hand that literally cannot be overplayed.
That's always been the most curious of role-reversal juxtapositions with Democrat administrations. Have any of you ever noticed that? When a Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton or Barack Obama is negotiating with Republicans, they're, to employ a bondage metaphor, the "dom," driving the GOP before them, who are desperate and will do anything to secure a "deal," no matter how disastrous. But when negotiating with an enemy power, Dem POTUS's flip over effortlessly to being the "sub," crawling obsequiously and humiliatingly on hands and knees to make any concession in a frantic effort to win enemy approval. And all of it driven by identity politics, since Republicans are of the "wrong tribe" and America's enemies are by definition of the "right tribe". If any Pachyderm figures out how to transreverse that psychological hard-wiring in leftwingnutters, they'll merit multiple Nobel Prizes.
At any rate, we know what'll happen next. Obama and Kerry will cave to the mullahs new demands, and then they'll move the goal posts again, and then Obama and Kerry will cave again, and so on until we have shipped the mullahs our entire nuclear weapons arsenal and infrastructure, including ICBMs and submarines. It's just a matter of time.
I'd have added imposing Sharia nationwide by Executive Order, but that's already being done.
Exit punchline: "Ali Akbar Velayati, top adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called Kerry's remarks 'part of America's psychological warfare against Iran.'"
We wish.
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