Let me start out by saying that until I went hunting for a headline pic, I had no idea that Jazz (Don't Call Him "Sebastian") Shaw resembled the love child of Colonel Sanders.....
....and Captain Kangaroo.

I guess you really do learn something new every day, if you're looking for it.
Just as Mr. Shaw appears to read Political Pistachio. Here's what I wrote last Saturday:
But let's leave aside the Democrat presidential race, such as it is, and look forward, say, a year to the Democrat National Convention and a scenario where Mrs. Clinton (1) is the nominee and (2) does not select Julian Castro to be her running mate in favor of a fellow honky. Can you not picture massive riots outside the Wells-Fargo Center and surrounding environs? The 1968 Chicago "Days of Rage" all over again?
And that would just be the warmup. Now imagine a scenario in which Mrs. Clinton did choose Commissar Castro and fast-forward three and a half months to an Election Day that sees the GOP ticket of Scott Walker and Marco Rubio crush them in a landslide. The upheaval that would ensue - "WHITE DEVILS HAVE STOLEN OUR WHITE HOUSE!!!!" - would be nationwide, in every major city, every medium city, every small city, every town, every village, every hamlet. The violence would be uncontrollable....short of martial law.
Just this morning Mr. Shaw noticed this Washington Post article:
Perhaps the most pointed ["concern"] came from "former" Black Panther Eddie Conway. Conway spent forty-four years in a Maryland prison after a jury convicted him in the murder of a police officer. Conway has long claimed that he is innocent.
Which is another way of saying that that cracker cop deserved to die.
Others [like him] have referred to him as a "political prisoner". And in March 2014, Maryland prosecutors struck a deal with Conway. Conway was released. His conviction stands.
Stop the tape. Does that make any sense at all? Why release him if that verdict wasn't going to be overturned? Is that even legal?
When an inevitable question about the Black Lives Matter movement came from the audience at that film screening, Conway offered this: “At some point, these young people, the Black Lives Matter movement, will have to [do] something more than lay down in the street. Spectacle, believe me, is only a start.”
From which Mr. Shaw draws (more or less) the same conclusion I did three days ago, but spends more time addressing the optics:
Let that sink in for a second. And then allow me to take a moment and try to help out some of the folks from the Democrat Party who read things like Ross’s article and feel a flush of panic....There is a problem to be dealt with for sure, but if you are serious about not only winning elections, but holding the nation together, you need to see the meta-problem on display before your eyes....
This is the message which Democrats really need to get a grip on. You see, that other crowd outside....has two groups in it. They include all races and both genders. They don’t go to conventions like these or spend their entire day watching cable news. But they vote and they have concerns. One group is mostly conservative, but not the kind of conservatives in the CPAC hall. They’ve just got the usual concerns of rank and file Republicans sitting around kitchen tables across the nation. But don’t worry… the other group is composed of liberals. They like you. They agree with you nearly all the time and will hitch their wagon to most every [communist] horse you’re riding… as long as you don’t push them too far.
These two groups respond differently to the #BlackLivesMatter “disaster” which Ross is writing about, and the response changes as the train wreck shifts through two distinct phases of it. When people begin chanting “Black Lives Matter” the more conservative group may give you a bit of an eye roll, but it’s not because they hate you. They just already know that black lives matter and have long since moved on to the “all lives matter” portion of the agenda.
Well, other than at Planned Parenthood. But other than that....
They may think it’s being a bit overblown in the press as well. But the liberal crowd is right there with you. They will chant along in unison. They've probably seen plenty of stories about young black men getting in fatal encounters with police and think the matter deserves attention. So far so good.
But then the next phase arrives. When the speaker says that White Lives Matter and All Lives Matter and the crowd screams in protest about how horrible that is, the conservative crowd is going to turn ugly. They’re fine with equality, but they don’t want it turning into some sort of reverse entitlement society. But that’s okay… you’re not hunting for their votes. Instead you need to look at the [communist] crowd. They’ve stopped chanting. "Wait. What? Our lives don’t matter? Aren’t we all in this together? We’re supposed to be on the same team here."
You can try to start in on the long explanation that Ross attempted, but as the old saying goes, if you’re spending all your time explaining you’ve already lost the argument. And then, when they see the subject shift to the "former" Black Panther who is talking about “spectacle” being "only the beginning" and young black people having “to do more than just lay down in the streets” you’ve got a serious problem on your hands. They’re not only no longer chanting… they’re slowly edging away from you and wondering if the folks in the eye-rolling crowd have any room on their bus.
I think Mr. Shaw gives the bulk of the Left way too much credit for being rational and reasonable. Never forget, no matter how....awkward someone like Eddie Conway may make some Dems feel, they will always hate the Right more than enough to calm those private qualms.
It's not libs, in other words, who will be "slowly edging away from you and wondering if the folks in the eye-rolling crowd have any more room on their bus," it is "moderates"/low-information voters who will be doing so. That's a big part of what makes a Scott Walker landslide next year such a burgeoning probability. And it will be violent leftwingnut insurrectionists like Eddie Conway who will lead the race war/armed uprising against President-Elect Walker that Barack Obama can then exploit via martial law to install himself as President-For-Life.
It is madness, Mr. Shaw, but never for a moment think there's no method - or endgame - to it.
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