Monday, July 20, 2015

Obama Orders Military To Stop Wearing Uniforms @ Recruitment Centers

by JASmius

So what are they calling this cockamamie idea?  "Let a smile and a polo shirt be your body armor"?:

According to the Military Times, Obama’s weak-kneed [Peace Commissar] Ash Cater approved the decree that recruiters should take off their uniforms while performing their recruitment duties from now on. [emphasis added]

So they have to perform their assigned duties stark naked?  Well, now, THAT won't attract any undo attention, now will it?  Although it will fit in with the "peace forces"'s new "rainbow" ethic.

…now soldiers are supposed to die at their desks and don’t even have the benefit of dying in the uniform of their country!

And let’s not even mention that recruiting without a uniform proudly worn by a recruiter puts a serious dent in the whole emotional appeal of recruiting and will make the recruiter’s job harder.

A pure coincidence, I'm sure.....

One of the whole aspects of being recruited is that potential recruits have a visceral reaction to the crisp, flashy uniform worn by their guide to the service. It’s part of the whole package to be able to show recruits how handsome, or how sharp and orderly they will look in their own uniforms when they get one.

You left out the blood stains and bullet holes, seeing as how the uniform is not allowed to include a holster or sidearm.

And now Obama wants to take that away from the services?


I can't make up my mind which is worse: That whatever warriors remain in this pervert & freak show are being forced into cowardice by hiding behind civilian attire, or the sheer mental retardation of thinking that not wearing a uniform is somehow going to "protect" military recruiters IN A MILITARY RECRUITMENT FACILITY.  If you're the next Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, aren't you going to just shoot EVERYBODY, reasonably concluding that everybody in a U.S. military recruitment office is either (1) a recruiter or (2) a potential or actual recruit?  And if you happen to gun down a guy who was just asking directions to the nearest Wal*Mart or couldn't hold it and was using their john, what do you care?  They're all "infidels" anyway, and the only good "infidel" is a dead "infidel," uniformed or not, right?

So what's the next obvious "solution?"  You guessed it: disguise U.S. military recruitment offices as tacky lawn furniture retail outlets, complete with pink flamingos perched by the front doors.  Either that, or gay brothels.  Which, come to think of it, wouldn't be all that far from the truth.

You laugh, but don't doubt me on this.  They actually are ordering recruitment offices to keep their blinds closed to guard against further jihadist attacks.  Which is funny, because I didn't know they made kevlar window blinds.

Or pink flamingos, for that matter.

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