Friday, July 10, 2015

Pope Francis Lays A Cleveland Steamer On Capitalism

by JASmius

Another long week is done, the Friday evening news lull has arrived, and I find myself without much about which to write.  So what better pinata to drag out than the Pope who is not THE Antichrist, but another one of his rough drafts?:

Pope Francis says capitalism without restraint is "the dung of the devil" and a "subtle dictatorship."

Subtle.  Funny, though, how I cannot recall Christ using scatological parables in any of the Gospels.  Maybe Francis has a regularity problem.

Of course, on the other hand, the Scriptures don't mention that Satan has ever dropped a doodle either.  Maybe Francis does that for him after the Metamucil kicks in.

"Time, my brothers and sisters, seems to be running out; we are not yet tearing one another apart....

Don't worry, Comrade Pope, Godbama is working on that as fast as he can.

....but we are tearing apart our common home," Francis said in a speech in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, on Thursday, according to a transcript from the the Vatican Today website.

Playing to his audience, perhaps?  Evo Morales is a disciple of the late Hugo Chavez, after all.  Which wouldn't be much of a chore for Francis.

"Today, the scientific community realizes what the poor have long told us: harm, perhaps irreversible harm, is being done to the ecosystem. Earth, entire peoples and individual persons are being brutally punished," the Pope said.

There's the "scientific community," and then there's the scientific community, your Unholiness.  You would do well to put aside your Marxian fantasies and learn the difference.

"And behind all this pain, death and destruction there is the stench of what Basil of Caesarea called 'the dung of the devil,'" Pope Francis argued. "An unfettered pursuit of money rules."

Strictly speaking, Fran, "all this pain, death, and destruction" is coming from Islamic Fundamentalists in the Middle East, with the Russians, Chinese Communists, and North Koreans warming up in the bullpen.  And by my best estimates, none of them are capitalists.

It's not unlike the Cold War, which Ronald Reagan won for the West without firing a shot via the pursuit of....unfettered capitalism.

"The service of the common good is left behind. Once capital becomes an idol and guides people's decisions, once greed for money presides over the entire socioeconomic system, it ruins society, it condemns and enslaves men and women, it destroys human fraternity, it sets people against one another and, as we clearly see, it even puts at risk our common home," the leader of the Roman Catholic Church said.

No, your Popeiness, greed is the currency of socialism.  It is socialism that condemns and enslaves men and women to a godless, satanic, unworkable system that slaughtered over a hundred million people in the twentieth century.  It is socialism that ruins society by destroying liberty (including....religious liberty, about which you appear indifferent at best).  It is socialism that destroys human fraternity by ten percent of the population possessed by morally supremacist lust for power oppressing the other ninety percent in the tyranny and poverty of the communist police state because they believe themselves living gods who are entitled to do so, rewarding (i.e. corrupting) the "enlightened" and punishing the stubborn, recalcitrant "dissidents".  It is socialism that turns people against each other along every fault line of hate in order to reach its demonic objectives.

Capitalism, by rather stark contrast, serves the common good by leaving the people free to pursue their own individual interests.  The result has been the greatest advancement and rise of human civilization over the past couple of centuries in the history of humanity.  Something you and your fellow travelers are doing everything you can to destroy, which speaks to who your father really is.

"I do not need to go on describing the evil effects of this subtle dictatorship: you are well aware of them," he added.

Yes, please spare us any more of your hell-bound ignorance.  Suffice it to say, Francis, that dictatorships aren't subtle - especially the one you persist in championing.

And the one to come.....

Guess you're supplying part of the answer to that question, aren'tcha?

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