This is Sarah Palin. She's an extraordinarily strong, feisty, and fertile woman from Alaska who, despite being fifty, I find difficulty believing menopause will ever touch. She also used to be a politician, governor of her State, and one of the most powerful women in America, with, it goes without saying, more such accomplishments than Hillary Clinton will ever even imagine, and could, if not for horrible electoral timing, have become the real-life Laura Roslin.
However, her biggest flaw, the one that ended her political career, was her inability to control that feistiness, to harness it and channel it in the right direction according to a "team player" strategy that retains a grasp of the political "big picture".
And even though she's long since faded from the political scene, Fox News Channel, and even the wide open spaces of outdoorsy "reality" television, she will never lose that fatal flaw and never tiresomely fail to give it full, screeching voice:
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, commenting on the war of words between Donald Trump and Senator John McCain, Monday afternoon took a shot at the media's role in the dispute and called both men heroes.
You speak as if the media is on the opposite side from McCain and Trump, Governor, instead of close colleagues and allies.
"I have the good fortune of knowing both John McCain and Donald Trump well," Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate, told CNN in an email.
McCain, I'll buy, since you were on his 2008 ticket (and treated like a political "Patient Zero"). Trump? Not a chance.
"Both men have more in common than the today's media hype would have you believe. Both blazed trails in their careers and love our great nation...Donald Trump is a hero in another arena."
Y'know, I've always found it odd that John McCain is precisely the sort of "Republican establishment" figure that Governor Palin revels in witheringly denouncing and feeding backwards through the proverbial bunghole, and yet she never has anything but kind, deferential words for the man. Sailor's military service speaks for itself, but is she really unable to separate that from his political career and record of shivving and bashing conservatives on behalf of the Left at every opportunity? Is that all that it takes to get her to heave her vaunted "Fight! Fight! Fight!" principles overboard? Or is it a "Sugar Daddy" complex, since without Maverick, she and her family wouldn't be rolling in more dough than they could ever spend?
"Trump is the candidate giving voice to untold millions of fed-up Americans witnessing a purposeful destruction of our economy and the equal opportunity for success that made America exceptional," Palin wrote, according to CNN.
Except he doesn't believe a word he's saying. That's why I call him a lying assclown. And, here again, is that same "oddness," as Donald Trump is precisely the sort of "corporate welfare queen" and unprincipled, turd-in-every-pocket, any-port-in-a-storm, fiscally incontinent (went bankrupt on four different occasions), principle-less mercenary that Tea Partiers usually detest. Yet all he has to do is say what they want to hear in the most boorish fashion imaginable and a large chunk of their ranks go wild.
As, apparently, does Sarah Palin, if she's mentioning Trump in the same "hero" breath with John McCain. Which is almost as insulting to the latter as anything Trump has said in the past week, come to think of it.
Maybe 'cuda is angling to be Trump's veep.
I wonder what Maverick would think of that.
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