How excruciatingly painful it must have been for them to have to do it - and on MSNBC, too:
Hillary Clinton's campaign is "worried about" the challenge being posed by Senator Bernie Sanders, whose popularity and poll numbers are continuing to grow, the former secretary of state's communications director acknowledged Monday.
Though even here Miss Palmieri doesn't acknowledge the real cause of their worry - Mrs. Clinton's crippling weakness as a candidate - probably because they haven't admitted it to themselves yet, or she's forbidden them to even think about it.
Instead, they're attempting to punch down by pretending to punch up:
"He's a force," [Rodham] campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri told MSNBC's Morning Joe program. "He'll be a serious force for the campaign. We think that will — I don't think that will diminish."
[Mrs.] Clinton is often described as being the "presumptive nominee," said Palmieri, but "we don't normally say that, and the start will be really competitive."
She acknowledged, though, that "it's to be expected that Sanders will do well in the Democratic primary" and in the Iowa caucuses.
Can we all agree that La Clinton Nostra has been addressing the Empress as "Madame President" since at least 2007? And still are away from cameras and microphones? And would have mistaken Senator Sanders....

....for Dr. Emmitt L. Brown - and publicly said so - before a couple of months ago?
The Clintonoids don't consider Weekend Bernie a "serious force" and they don't think the Democrat primaries will be "competitive". This whole process was supposed to be the coronational processional that the old puffgut didn't get in 2008. Nobody else was supposed to run. Her purported $2.5 billion campaign warchest was supposed to guarantee not only no Democrat challengers but no Republican general election opponent either. The Oval Office was supposed to be handed to her on a silver platter, unopposed, just like she's always dreamed of.
But once again, that clear, unobstructed path is not materializing. Once again, another Dem to Hillary's left is rising up to deny her her lifetime goal. But if she is honest and derides Senator Sanders as the nobody also-ran he really should be, she'll alienate the Nutroots whose votes she needs to secure the Donk nomination even more than they already are. So she's lying - which is SOP of course - but she's having to choke down her immense pride and arrogance at the same time, which I had thought was physically impossible.
I'm sure the Rodham campaign will get around to ascribing Sanders's meteoric rise to the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy sooner or later. Anything to avoid having to contemplate the unthinkable: that Hillary Clinton is a horrendously awful candidate that couldn't get elected to a county sewage commission outside a night-blue State, and even then not without rigging the cavass more thoroughly than Saddam Hussein used to fix his. Which is why a fringe kook like Bernie Sanders is on course to pass up Mrs. Clinton by Labor Day and leave her in the dust thereafter, because the Donk base does not want her. Period,
Senator Sanders is not a "serious force"; Hillary Clinton is a stupendously overrated farce. But don't count on that bit of self-directed candor being administered any time soon, or until primary and caucus ballots start being cast, whichever comes first.
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