Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Left's Crocodile "Compassion"

by JASmius

When it suits their all-hallowed Agenda's purposes, Democrats roll out sob-story spectacles at rallies and congressional hearings at the drop of a hat.  It's what they do, that on which they wrote the proverbial book.  Emotional manipulation is in their DNA.  The dog & pony show parade of "victims" on everything from ObamaCare to "climate change" "campus rape culture" to every prominent shooting incident where the gunman isn't a Muslim or an illegal alien is as legendary as it is infamous.

And it's total, utter, complete, 100% phony-baloney, plastic-banana horsepucky, as this Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on leftwingnut municipalities' flagrant disregard of the 1996 federal law banning "sanctuary cities" - a rather front-burner issue in the wake of the shooting death of San Francisco white woman Kate Steinle by murderous, recidivist illegal alien Francisco Sanchez - snoringly illustrated:

Did any lawmakers fall asleep during testimony given by families who lost relatives murdered by illegal aliens? That is what Sabine Durden told the Daily Caller Tuesday after she testified at a Senate Judiciary hearing about her slain son Dominic.

“The hardest part for me was to watch some of the Congress members falling asleep and some of them were doing whatever they did on their phones,” she said. “There were a few that paid attention, because people were pouring their hearts out, and our lives have been shattered. They sit there and participate in it and don’t even have enough decency to just sit there and look at us.”

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley told the DC he could not speak to Durden’s claim, because he was primarily focused on the families and not the other members. However, Grassley did say that members do react to e-mails and texts from staff indicating when action on an amendment, for example, of theirs is happening on the floor.

Here's a thought: If movie theaters tell their patrons to turn off the cell phone and handheld devices before the show starts out of courtesy to each other, is it really unreasonable to expect legislators to do the same thing at a committee hearing?  Every one of them has a big staff; can't they schedule briefings for their bosses in-between, and can't floor activity be coordinated with them as well?

But that's something that, while obnoxious, can be at least somewhat rationalized in a "It's not a perfect world" sense.  But falling asleep?

Sure, we all know that Democrats aren't going to drop their support for sanctuary cities, and that they don't give a flying frak how many Americans have to die at the hands of murderous illegals to do that end-run around the American electorate and entrench the Democrat Party in power forever so that they won't have to sit through committee hearings on topics that bore them to death.  But they can't even muster a modicum of fake decorum to at least conceal their abject contempt for Sabine Durden and the other loved ones of illegal alien murder victims whose rampages were and are actively facilitated by the Dems' border erasure policy?

Guess not.

Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?

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