Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei To Nuke Obama's Foreign Policy Legacy?

by JASmius

If you open your windows toward Martha's Vineyard at this very moment, no matter where on the planet you happen to be, you can hear.....

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is opposed to a landmark nuclear deal reached with world powers, a prominent hard-liner claimed Saturday.

Hossein Shariatmadari, editor of the daily newspaper Kayhan and a representative of Khamenei, made the comments in an editorial Saturday. It was the first time someone publicly claimed where Khamenei, who has final say on all state matters, stands on the deal.

What does this mean?  It means that the mullahs already have nukes, have already crossed the "nuclear threshold," at the very least feel free to completely disregard the United States and the West to the extent of dropping the pretense of any more "negotiations," and frankly don't have to care anymore because of the hundred-plus billion dollars the Obama Regime has already released and cannot get back with which they can vastly expand their nuclear weapons manufacturing infrastructure and just plain buy warheads from Russia, Pakistan, Red China, and/or North Korea.  All of whom can definitely used the cash.

And it is also the final shiv between O's hexiribs, denying him the only thing he has ever really cared about: His Neville Chamberlain moment, waving around the worthless piece of paper and proclaiming "peace in our time," nuking the "crowning diplomatic achievement" of his "foreign policy legacy" (which, don't forget, he's been equating in magnitude and importance to the end of the Cold War, victory in World War II, the American Revolution, the Magna Carta, and the invention of fire), getting himself that second Nobel Peace Prize.

In essence, "حیوان یا عضو یا الت مکنده!"

That's "SUCKER!" in Farsi, in case you were curious.

Exit question: Funny, isn't it, how Mitch McConnell and John Boehner will have Khamanei to thank for getting them off the Corker hook, huh?  But will it?  The One has disappeared inside delusionalism on this "deal" already; there's no reason to think that he won't impose it anyway, even if the mullahs bail.

Okay, one more: How did the Republicans get to Khamanei and put him up to this?  Expect O to redirect the FBI from its Emailgate probe to investigate that MUCH MORE IMPORTANT "scandal" within the next few days.

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