Thursday, August 06, 2015

Constitution Corner: Responsible Freedom

By Douglas V. Gibbs

History teaches us that Benjamin Franklin’s quote, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom,” is founded upon concrete fact. Freedom, in history, is the exception, not the rule. Maintaining freedom requires a moral society that is informed, and involved, in the workings of their governmental system. While a moral foundation is required to establish a free system, the structure is held together by a responsible society.

Remaining a free society requires effort by a knowledgeable, and moral, people. Culture, after all, drives politics. We must also recognize, however, that politics can drive the culture, as well. The political class that stands in opposition to the United States Constitution wants to drive the culture in a different direction than originally intended, directly attacking our moral compass. They seek to accomplish their statism through social engineering, using activist politicians and judges, as well as well-funded anti-Christian groups, to force their own version of morality upon the rest of the society so that they may dismantle the Judeo-Christian components of our system.

The Founding Fathers considered America to be a Christian nation, not in the sense that a theocracy would be, such as how an Islamic country is a Muslim nation, but in the sense that the tenets of Christianity serves as a foundational structure to our governmental makeup. Concepts such as “innocent until proven guilty” and “a bicameral representative legislative assembly” are borrowed from the Mosaic System detailed in the Old Testament. The basic structure of our judicial system is strongly influenced by the Ten Commandments, and the concept of justice as it is presented in the Biblical books of Deuteronomy and Judges. Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting the United States during the 1830s, observed that the politicians pray and the pastors preach politics, in America, yet, neither controls the other. They work together to make America great, acting in a symbiotic manner. Tocqueville’s final observation concluded that America is great because America is good.

Maintaining a moral society, however, requires eternal vigilance, because in order to take control of a political system, big government statism must eliminate its moral competition so that it can make government the most important thing in everyone’s lives. As long as a society seeks godliness, individuality and freedom of choice as components of their faith, Tyranny cannot seize control of a society. Tyranny uses humanistic principles, and to succeed in gaining control over society, must eliminate the religious segment of society. It began with attempting to eliminate God from society through the removal of prayer from public schools. Next, challenging God constantly through media and entertainment outlets. Now, the attack has been leveled directly against the church itself through infiltration, and unconstitutional federal rulings regarding issues such as life, and marriage. What we will be seeing next is lawsuits directed specifically at churches, and the Christian foundation of this country.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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