Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Hillary Clinton Sent Classified Embassy Security Emails "In The Clear"

by JASmius

Circle gets the square:

Another exchange drips with irony. Eric Boswell ended up as a scapegoat for the failure of State to adequately protect the consulate in Benghazi, thanks in large part to the so-called Accountability Review Board that magically decided that no one at the political appointment level should be accountable for this failure. Boswell had raised security issues at other embassies in a meeting three years earlier, raising the kind of vulnerabilities that State would not want out in public. And yet, Huma Abedin passed them along through an unencrypted, unsecured server to Hillary:

Huma Abedin[-Weiner], [Mrs.] Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff, forwarded a summary of a high-level September 2009 meeting to [Mrs.] Clinton in which she detailed the “embassy security issues” that were discussed.

The issues had been raised by Eric Boswell, a diplomatic security official who was later forced to resign in the wake of the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi.

Here’s the classification note added to the page under the redactions:

D'ya think maybe al Qaeda got their peepers on this email and knew that the Benghazi consulate was wide open to attack at their leisure?  Not that it wasn't already pretty obvious, but you have to admit, a heads-up three years in advance must have come very much in handy.

But don't worry, Hillary will "kick Trey Gowdy's ass" in six or seven weeks.

No, really.  It must be in another of her "classified" emails somewhere.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, at least half the public is taking Emailgate seriously, although their preferred remedy is pure fantasy:

Growing national security questions about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state are drowning out her message as a presidential candidate and causing many fellow Democrats to worry about the future of her campaign.

Is it time for [Mrs.] Clinton to put her campaign on temporary hold?

Voters are almost evenly divided on that question, but a huge number of likely voters suggest the Democrat front-runner should suspend her campaign for the Democrat presidential nomination, according to Rasmussen Reports.

The latest Rasmussen national telephone survey finds that a total of 46% of likely voters believe [Mrs.] Clinton should suspend her campaign until questions about her use of the private email server are resolved.


Opinions on the future of the [Rodham] campaign fall along party lines. One-in-four Democrats agree that the party's front-runner should suspend her campaign while three-in-four Republicans say the campaign should be halted.

As for voters not affiliated with either party, 46% agree the campaign should be suspended.

Which is slightly less likely than Donald Trump sending a candy gram and FDT bouquet of flowers with a big "I'm sorry" card to Megyn Kelly, c/o Fox News Channel.

Beats me why three-quarters of 'Pubbies want to see the Dems' weakest candidate take herself out of the race.  Not that Slow Joe or Weekend Bernie are powerhouses or anything, but with her utter lack of political skillset, her raging hauteur, and all these metastasizing scandals swirling around her like stars around Sagittarius A*, why would any Pachyderm want to diminish our chances of regaining the White House in 2016?

It's an academic question, though, because she'll never, ever comply.

Thank God.

I'm sure that's in another of her "classified" emails as well.

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