Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Hillary Clinton's "Affordable College Act"

by JASmius

$350 billion worth of "free".  And as everybody knows, you get what you pay for:

Hillary Rodham Clinton will announce a $350 billion plan Monday to make college affordable....

i.e. "free".

....and relieve the burden of student debt for millions of Americans, drawing on popular tenets of the [communist] wing of the Democrat Party. …

i.e. "Barack Obama nationalized the student loan industry five years ago - why stop there?  Let's nationalize all of American higher education and be done with it!  Yeah, that's the ticket!"  Because currently it's just too gosh darn rightwing and needs to have its leftwingnut indoctrination quotient ratcheted waaaaay up.

At the heart of the plan, dubbed the New College Compact, is an incentive....

i.e. giveaway.

....program that would provide money to states that guarantee “no-loan” tuition at four-year public universities and community colleges. States that enroll a high number of low- and middle-income students would receive more [worthless] money, as would those that work with schools to reduce living expenses. Because Pell grants, a form of federal aid for students from families making less than $60,000, are not included in the no-debt calculation, [Mrs.] Clinton anticipates lower income students could use that money to cover books, as well as room and board.

In other words, let's give educational welfare to ALL students, regardless of wealth status or income level!  Yeah!  That's the ticket!

Does the Empress believe in this profligate, statist, flagrantly unconstitutional nonsense?  Probably; she is a charter-member Marxist-Alinkskyist after all, though her corruptly obtained enormous wealth has seriously dulled those radical instincts.  Is she pushing this profligate, statist, flagrantly unconstitutional nonsense that will lead to an even bigger explosion in college tuition rates, cut off college access for millions of young people, leading inevitably to "single-payer higher education" out of ideological conviction?  Nope.  This is just the latest sop thrown to the Nutroots to try and buy their skeptical affections, and a parallel attempt to openly bribe millennials, who don't like her any more than any other demographic does, to turn out for her, not just next year, but in the Donk primaries where they are much more enthusiastic about Bernie Sanders and even Joe Biden.

Would an "Affordable College Act" ever get through a Republican Congress?  Not impossible, but highly doubtful.  It's not an actionable scenario, just a campaign gesture to a desperately sought-after constituency from a faux-frontrunner going down for at least the proverbial second time.

But seeing what the Unaffordable Care Act has done to U.S. healthcare, it's still a breathtaking sight to witness lefties wanting to apply that disastrous template anywhere else.

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