Friday, August 14, 2015

Hillary "The Fighter" Won't Fight ISIS

by JASmius

Finally, some good news for the Old Harridan - I guess.  Former Iowa Senator and used car salesman Tom Harkin has given her his endorsement.  That's guaranteed to put her back on top!:

Hillary Rodham Clinton has snagged a big endorsement as she brings her presidential campaign to the Iowa State Fair.

Former Iowa Senator Tom Harkin has endorsed [Mrs.] Clinton's bid for the Democrat nomination, writing in the Des Moines Register that the former secretary of state is a "fighter who has a record of getting things done."

Except that she isn't a "fighter" and has never gotten anything done because she has precisely - to borrow a Trumpism - "zippo" accomplishments to her name in eight years as FLOTUS, eight years as a U.S. senator, four years as Commissar of State, and two and a half years as an unconvicted federal felon.

Okay, that latter one is pretty impressive.

Harkin says in the op-ed published online Thursday night that [Mrs.] Clinton "has devoted her career to championing the needs of children" and has been a "tireless advocate for women and families."

He left out "the enslavement of".  Otherwise, yeah.  I understand she had a book about socialized parenting ghostwritten for her about twenty years ago.

Okay, I lied, Harkin's endorsement isn't going to have any impact on the race, even in Iowa - c'mon, one elderly establishmentarian obligatorily endorsing another?  Big deal.  I just needed his ludicrous "She's a fighter!" canard as a segue and pivot-point for illustrating all the ways in which Mrs. Clinton isn't a "fighter" - like vis-a-vie the Islamic State, for example:

Hillary Clinton thinks the Islamic State (ISIS) is a "phenomenon" and she would not put American troops on the ground to fight it in the Middle East, she said in a new interview.

No, Hill, the Undertaker is a "phenomenon" - or "phenom" for short.  The Islamic State is the world's largest, most powerful, most bloodthirsty jihadist organization, and it's bent on killing us all.  Something to which you appear to have little if any objection.

[Mrs.] Clinton....spoke with Univision during a recent visit to New Hampshire. The interview covered several topics, including the situation in the Middle East regarding ISIS.

"You know, ISIS is a phenomenon and ISIS came out of the terrible turmoil in Syria," [Mrs.] Clinton said.

No, ISIS came out of Barack Obama's abandonment of Iraq.  It is the re-branded "al Qaeda in Iraq" that the Bush Administration had defeated and crushed before his no-account successor and your conqueror and ex-boss resurrected them.

"I personally had advocated that we do more to help the rebels against [Syrian President Bashar al-] Assad because I worried that terrorists would take and occupy territory, and that has come to pass, not only with ISIS but other Al-Qaeda affiliates and terrorist networks.

The "anti-Assad rebels" WERE/ARE the Islamic State, along with another branch of al Qaeda.  They always have been.  They're also the jihadist maniacs that the Obama Regime was secretly arming in O's first term through....Benghazi.  Are you sure you want to go there, Hill?

"The connections with Iraq and their ability to take over cities and hold cities in Iraq is the responsibility of the failed Iraqi government.

The Iraqi government "failed" because Barack Obama abandoned it to ISIS and Iran.  It wasn't ready for that handoff, and you people knew it.

We are not trying to help that Iraqi government, which is new and has moved away from the failed policies of [Nouri al-] Maliki [former] the prime minister who did not let us keep our troops there.

"Did not let us keep our troops there"?  Maliki was BEGGING us not to leave.  Ditto his successor and Maliki disciple Haider al-Abadi.  That was entirely Barack Obama's - and Hillary Clinton's - treacherous doing.

And so part of it is we have to help the Iraqis get better organized in order to take on the threat of ISIS.

No, we have to re-invade Iraq to crush ISIS a second time, because it has been amply and repeatedly demonstrated that the "Iraqi army" is incapable of doing so.  Why?  Because their country has been essentially partitioned between ISIS and Iran and essentially doesn't exist anymore.  Or, in short, they have no more country for which to fight.  Just as Red Barry and the Empress wanted.

"I view [ISIS] as a real threat, I view it as something we've got to stand up to. But I will not put American troops on the ground to fight ISIS, unlike [GOP presidential candidate] Jeb Bush, who seems to imply in his remarks that that's exactly what he would do."

She "views ISIS as a real threat," she views ISIS as "something to which we've got to stand up," but she will not actually resist them.  Yep, Hillary is a "fighter," alright.  Guess we might as well sit back down and await our grisly fate.

Meanwhile, ISIS is gassing the Kurds, just like Saddam Hussein used to do years ago:

The United States believes Islamic State militants likely used mustard agent in an attack on Kurdish forces in Iraq earlier this week, the first indication the militant group has obtained a banned chemical weapon, the Wall Street Journal reports.

"We have credible information that the agent used in the attack was mustard," a senior U.S. official told the Journal Thursday.

Wow, chemical munitions, nuclear warheads, radiological weapons - that's quite a WMD arsenal Caliph al-Baghdadi is amassing.  I wonder on whom else he intends to use it....

Oh, well.  Fortunately for him, he doesn't have to worry about Hillary Clinton standing in the way, up or otherwise.

UPDATE: As a postscript, Caliph al-Baghdadi repeatedly raped U.S. hostage Kayla Mueller.  Which you would think would fall under the rubric of the "War on Women" meme, except that al-Baghdadi (1) is a Muslim and (2) isn't a Republican.  So I'm guessing that doesn't count in the cobwebbed belfries of Mrs. Clinton's mind.  Certainly it wouldn't be worth going to war over, right Hillary?

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