Saturday, August 08, 2015

Illegal Alien Rapes & Murders Veteran

by JASmius

And in California, too, of course.  Which rightfully makes both Barack Obama AND Jerry Brown passive accessories to the crime:

One of two men arrested in a savage rape and hammer slaying of a military veteran was an illegal [alien] with a long record who'd been arrested – and let go – days before the attack, Fox News reports.

The July 24th violence against and subsequent death of Marilyn Pharis, 64, in Santa Maria, California, has reignited outrage over federal policies blamed for letting [hardcore] criminal illegal [aliens] remain free – and in the country.

"I think this is a national issue – it starts with [the Obama] administration and their policies," Santa Barbara County Sheriff Ralph Martin tells Fox News.

"You can draw a direct line to this governor and Legislature," adding: "I am not remiss to say that from Washington DC to Sacramento, there is a blood trail to Marilyn Pharis’ bedroom." [emphases added]

Well, Sheriff Martin is doomed.  The ruling Donk party elite don't tolerate dissent and sedition.  I'm glad he got his money's worth, because he's absolutely spot-on target.

According to the Santa Barbara News-Press, Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez, 29, who's charged along with Jose Fernando Villagomez, 20, in the attack, was on probation for committing battery against a woman and methamphetamine possession in May 2014.

He also was charged twice this year for violating probation, once for possessing a concealed knife and the other for drugs, but a Santa Barbara judge allowed him to enter a substance abuse center in Santa Maria in lieu of jail, the newspaper reports. [emphasis]

Add the judge to the murder accessory list.

County jail officials tell the newspaper Immigration and Customs Enforcement declined to issue an immigration detainer that would've required local authorities to hold Ramirez for deportation. [emphasis added]
ICE said it didn't issue the detainer after Ramirez's most recent arrest "based on the agency’s enforcement priorities after a thorough review of his case history showed he had no prior deportations or felony criminal convictions," Fox News reports.

Because it would have been "racist," I'm guessing.  And also hurt Democrats' chances of retaining their grip on the probation-breaking, battery-committing, meth-possessing, rapist murder illegal alien vote.

ICE said, however, it issued one on Ramirez after he was picked up by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department in May 2014 – and asked to be notified prior to his release, Fox News reports. A spokesperson said that never happened. [emphasis added]

Everybody knows that the Democrats usurped the "compassion" gimmick for themselves a long, long time ago.  They "care" and Republicans/conservatives/constitutionalists/Tea Partiers are "mean" and "selfish" and "callous" and "heartless," yata yata yata.  So why don't Dems care about Marilyn Pharis?  Or, more accurately, why did they care about Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez more?  He raped and murdered her, completely without provocation or cause.  "Rape culture," "war on women," ring a bell?  Hello?  Buehler?  Buehler?

And then we remember that Ramirez is a member of a key Democrat constituency whose votes will wipe out the GOP for good, while the late Miss Pharis is white and a veteran, and therefore of the "wrong tribe" far beyond her gender's ability to overcome those "stigmas".

Or, #WhiteVeteransLivesDon'tMatter other than as sacrifices to the cause of "fundamental transformation".

Can't get more "compassionate" than that.

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