Saturday, September 12, 2015

#BlackLivesMatter Conquers The Ivy League

by JASmius

Remember when an Ivy League education was actually worth something?  And, you know, an education?

The only thing this hire is going to accomplish for Yale is to prove that ivy burns:

One of the newest teachers at the vaunted Yale University burnished his Ivy League resume in the Black Lives Matter movement.

DeRay McKesson will be teaching a one-credit course this fall as a guest lecturer at Yale Divinity School, according to higher education blog Campus Reform. The outspoken [extrem]ist will be joining U.S. Senator Chris Coons, D-DE, and the "Reverend" Nancy Taylor, whose Old South Church in Boston is located near the site of the 2013 marathon bombing, to teach a special three-section course as part of a new leadership program. The young [extrem]ist will teach the first section of the course, entitled “Transformational Leadership in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement.”

Here's your "transformational leadership....

What are Mr. McKesson’s qualifications for this esteemed position?  (1) He's black, (2) he was a middle school math teacher for a couple of years, (3) he's an angry, flaming, violent racist, and (4) he's black.

Ivy League parents, this is what your $63,000 a year in tuition is buying your children: a degree in Racism & Insurrectionary Studies.

And if you want to get your master's, you know what the thesis is.....

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