Friday, April 15, 2016

Daily ChiComm Cyberattacks On U.S.

by JASmius

Daily?  Sheesh, what is there of our secrets that they haven't plundered and otherwise helped themselves to?

What?  What's that you said?  They've taken all our secrets, and now they want to literally hijack what's left of our own networked military infrastructure and turn it against us?


The [Obam]agon's Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is being hit by daily cyberattacks by [Red] Chinese military hackers.

And those same hackers will soon launch assaults on new victims — the networks of missile defense contractors.

The Washington Free Beacon says the chilling news was disclosed Thursday by Vice Admiral James Syring, the MDA's leader in charge of building the nation's anti-missile defenses.

He made this latest revelation at a House Armed Services subcommittee hearing yesterday.  The latest in a seemingly endless line of top military leaders coming before Congress and basically saying what Fandral told Odin after the Dark Elf attack on Asgard in Thor II: The Dark World: "My king....we are all but defenseless".  And there's nothing, as a practical matter, that Congress can do about it, because Barack Obama plainly and simply will not defend our country from its multiplying, ever more powerful enemies.

Which means that when the end comes, we cannot say we weren't warned:

"I view the cyber threat that I specifically face with MDA and the systems we are fielding on par with any ballistic missile threat that either Iran or North Korea possess," Syring told the subcommittee, which is chaired by Representative Mike Rogers, an Alabama Republican.

"They are continuing to try and attack my government networks, every day, classified and unclassified."

Here's a question I'd have asked if I sat on Chairman Rogers' committee: Do we ever stop them?  And if not, when was the last time that we did?

I wouldn't have to ask why not.

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