To borrow a lovely and choice run-on riff on Hillary Clinton from Jim Geraghty, she is "an arrogant, boring, cynical, dishonest, entitled, favor-trading, greedy, hypocritical, inconsistent, joyless, Leftist, Machiavellian, nasty, overbearing, power-hungry, queen-like, ruthless, shameless, tired, untrustworthy, vain, Washington-insider embodiment of the status quo who doesn’t stand for anything that isn’t focus-group approved or that wouldn’t line her and her husband’s pockets".
Some dim self-awareness of which may be motivating her to make this deft and constructive campaign move:
Hillary Clinton said Monday her husband, Bill Clinton, might have a job in her White House if she wins the presidency.
The former president, who served two terms from 1993-2001, could be in charge of job creation.
"I've told my husband he's got to come out of retirement and be in charge of this, because you know, he's got more ideas a minute than anybody I know," Hillary Clinton said, reports Politico. "Gotta put people back to work and make it happen. So we're going to give it all we've got, absolute full-in 100% effort because I worry we won't recognize our country if we don't do this."
[Mrs.] Clinton's words came during a campaign stop in Ashland, Kentucky, during which she spoke to a crowd that included union workers.
This isn't about jobs or the economy - she went on in the same stump speech to try to out-Trump Trump by promising to create a "trade prosecutor," for heaven's sake - but all about making Sick Willie as much of the public face of her campaign as she possibly can. Like it or don't like it - I'm in the latter category - but Bill Clinton is still the most popular living former POTUS, his presidency is looked on as the last "golden age" in our country's history (thanks to his glomming the credit for the accomplishments of the Gingrich Revolution). and he is the greatest political tactician in American political history. The one caveat is that that savantish political tactical wizardry was only effective for his own candidacy, and has never translated to anybody for whom he's ever campaigned (except maybe Barack Obama four years ago, but I don't think Mr. Bill can be credited with that one). But it might work for the Empress - not unlike announcing a running mate early - especially given the gift forty percent of "Republican" voters are about to give to her. As it is, Hillary Clinton is moderately less roaringly unpopular than Donald Trump; add Bill Clinton's lingering popularity to her side of the electoral ledger by promising in advance to give him a prominent role in her regime - kind of the reverse of how he turned over "health care reform" to her, only not hiding it until after the election - and that could make her unbeatable, at least against the most despised major party candidate in modern American political history.
Hard to see a downside to the return of the "blue plate special," and not to see plenty of upside [for La Clinton Nostra, of course]. Frankly, I didn't think the old puffgut had it in her. I guess now she finally does believe she's going to win. And for good reason.
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