Monday, May 16, 2016

The Trump Purge

by JASmius

The purge of conservatives from the former party of conservatism by their perfidious, backstabbing ex-allies who have sold out to and are doing the bidding of the New York liberal conman who has hostiley taken it over and made it a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party, that is.  WAY more sophisticated a hose job than the movie version....

....with implications and consequences far longer-lasting than a couple of hours at the Cineplex.

Dallas Williams is no doubt still weeping in sheer orgasmic joy:

During the course of the long and contested GOP primary, almost exactly 60% of Republican voters did not vote for [Donald Trump]. If you remove the New York and the Acela primary States (which have no hope of going Republican in a Presidential election, ever), he won less than 37% of the vote. Trump’s die hard supporters are nowhere near a majority of GOP voters, but they are trying to take over the party and its apparatus.

See, if and when Trump loses badly in November, the people who work for Trump and who have been paid shills for him have been told repeatedly that they are through in Washington and will never work in politics again. If you have talked with anyone who has worked with Trump or defended him publicly in any capacity, they have known for a long time that if Trump didn’t win they were done for in politics.

The one way they have seen that they can avoid this fate is to take over the party itself. If they take over the State conventions and staff State and national parties with Trump supporters or those who are sympathetic to Trump, then they can continue making their consultant cash even after Trump goes down in flames in November. At the very least, they are going to try to use Republican hatred of Hillary to get as many Republicans as possible on the record in support of Trump so that they don’t look so bad as early adopters of Trumpism.

In other words, this is the actual Trump "ground game".  Because it's not primarily about winning the November election, though if he could, that would be icing on the cake.  It's about disenfranchising the Right and totally eradicating the conservative movement as a voice, force, or even relevant, detectable presence in American politics.  The political equivalent of a kidnapping, murder, and tossing of the bloody, dismembered remains down an abandoned mine shaft.  Something that my friend, the Director, has noted as the endgame of the Left for years, but evidently never imagined would be carried out with this level of misdirection and, again, sophistication, such that he is actually cooperating with it ("use Republican hatred of Hillary to get as many Republicans as possible on the record in support of Trump so that they don’t look so bad as early adopters of Trumpism") without even more than dimly realizing it.

It's much like Colonel Zemo's anti-Avengers strategy in Captain America III: Civil War: "I knew I couldn't kill them. More powerful men than me have tried. But if I could get them to kill each other...An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumbles from within?  That's dead... forever."

The latest "airport battle" unfolded in Nebraska over the weekend:

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse has carved out a name for himself on the national stage as a leader in the “Never Trump” Republican faction.

On the home front, however, the Nebraska freshman found himself rebuked Saturday by party loyalists upset at his call for a third candidate to arise and give conservatives such as himself an alternative to Donald Trump in the fall election.

Delegates at the State Republican Convention overwhelmingly passed a resolution opposing Sasse’s call for a third candidate. They argued it would only help Democrats win the White House in November.

“If you support a third-party candidate, you are going to elect Hillary Clinton, and she is going to nominate the next three or four members of the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Pat McPherson, an Omaha Republican.

Of course, the Trump nomination itself has already guaranteed that, and even if it hadn't, Trump would make those same nominations himself.  Which is kinda the point.

And I say that as a #NoneOfTheAbover who doesn't favor a third-party independent conservative candidacy precisely because it would provide that easy excuse to Trumplicans when their hero goes down in flames on November 8th.  They have to be forced to confront their treacherous folly and culpability in serving as the Democrats' "Winter Soldiers," as it were, by guaranteeing a third Clinton/Obama term and pulling the plug on the Old American Republic.  If anything can accomplish that, it's a straight up, one-on-one, landslide Trump defeat.

But the chances of Trumplican repentance even in that likely scenario are frankly dubious:

The delegates also went one step further in making clear they were lining up behind Trump. They roundly rejected a counter-resolution that sought to condemn the presumptive GOP presidential nominee for making “degrading” comments toward women and minorities. (The resolution was submitted by people who opposed the earlier resolution.)

One Republican said it was not their place to be the “thought police” in this presidential election.

One "Republican" who now sounds an awful lot like a Democrat.

Here is the text of that defeated counter-resolution:

Be it resolved that the Nebraska Republican Party strongly opposes all degrading remarks toward women, minorities, and other individuals by Republican elected office holders or party officials, including candidates for President of the United States, because such rhetoric tarnishes the GOP’s legacy as the party of Lincoln, alienates millions of Americans, and jeopardizes Republican majorities in the Nebraska Legislature, the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate. [emphasis added]

Don't think of that as "political correctness"; think of it as common human decency.  Or good manners.  Or not being an asshole.

At any other time, such a resolution would have passed by unanimous voice vote.   But then, in no previous instance would such a resolution have even been necessary.  And by defeating it, the Nebraska Republican Party literally said that it "strongly supports all degrading remarks toward women, minorities, and other individuals by Republican elected officeholders and party officials, including candidates for President of the United States, because such rhetoric tarnishes the GOP's legacy as the party of Lincoln, alienates millions of Americans, and jeopardizes Republican majorities in the Nebraska Legislature, the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate".

Sounds like a political suicide note, doesn't it?  And also like it could have been written by the DNC itself.  If, you know, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was, you know, literate.

There will be many more such "airport battles" over the next six months, most particularly the Cleveland convention in July.

The final Siberia battle will come, appropriately enough, this winter, amidst the ashes and ruins of what was once the Grand Old Party....

....the difference being that unlike Ironman, we won't stop and say, "Stay down, final warning".  We will finish the job.

Think of it as "tough love".

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