Sunday, October 23, 2016

Trump's Gettysburg: Nailed It

By Douglas V. Gibbs
AuthorSpeakerInstructorRadio Host

I suppose we should ask, where was the Trump of Gettysburg during the three debates?  In his Gettysburg speech, in an iconic location, Trump unveiled what a Trump presidency would truly entail.  He laid out his political pledges, and labeled it a "Contract with the American Voter," giving us a plan modeled after the 1994 Republican 'Contract with America'.  It's time to drain the swamp in Washington, he explained, adding in a Lincoln-esque twist he plans to replace D.C. elites "with a new government of, by and for the people."
A Trump aide said the reason the Gettysburg Civil War battlefield site was chosen for this speech because it mirrored Trump's efforts because "Gettysburg was the moment when the war turned."

After his speech Donald Trump visited the National Military Park's battlefield memorial.

"It is a contract between myself and the American voter, and begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington," Trump said.

Included are six anti-corruption pledges, seven actions related to jobs and trade and five on immigration and the 'rule of law.' He ended his contract with a list of 10 bills he said he would try to quickly shepherd through Congress.
  • 1. Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. 
  • 2. Hiring freeze on federal employees to reduce the workforce through attrition. 
  • 3. Requirement to eliminate two federal regulations for every new one. 
  • 4. Five-year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists. 
  • 5. Lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign governments. 
  • 6. Complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections. 
"Hillary Clinton is running against all of the American people, and all of the American voters," he said.

Trump also said that the was concerned about the possibility of rampant voter fraud that could keep him out of the White House, and other Republicans from winning their seats in Congress.

Citing Pew Research Center numbers, he said that "1.8 million dead people are registered to vote, and some of them are voting. I wonder how that happens!"

He also made mention of the 2.8 million people who are "registered in more than one state," and added that "14 per cent of non-citizens are registered to vote."

The most well received promises were Trump's pledge to repeal and replace the Obamacare medical insurance law and to end federal funding for sanctuary cities.

He listed his executive actions he has planned.
  • 1. Cancel Obama's 'unconstitutional' executive actions, memoranda and orders.
  • 2. Pick a conservative replacement for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
  • 3. Cancel all federal funding to 'sanctuary cities' that harbor illegal immigrants.
  • 4. Begin removing the 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the U.S., and cancel visas to countries that won’t repatriate them.
  • 5. Suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where incoming people can't be properly vetted.
As for the wall between the United States and Mexico, the budget will get a line-item with a proposed piece of legislation that will fund its construction, "with the full understanding that the country of Mexico will be reimbursing the United States."

Tax cut promises were reiterated.  A 35 per cent tax cut for middle-class families with two children, and a reduced 10 per cent rate for American companies that bring overseas money back home.

Trump also reminded the audience of his grievances against the journalism profession and the parade of women who have accused him of unwanted kissing and groping.  The accusations date back years, and even decades, ago.

He said after the election, he plans to sue them.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never," said Trump.

"All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

He also said he would litigate against the Democratic Party for allegedly paying saboteurs to start fistfights at his campaign rallies.

When it came to jobs and trade, he laid out seven items.
  • 1. Renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement or withdraw from it. 
  • 2. Withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
  • 3. Order the secretary of the treasury to label China a 'currency manipulator'.
  • 4. Use U.S. and international laws to end foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers.
  • 5. Lift restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of U.S. energy reserves including shale, oil, natural gas and coal.
  • 6. Approve the Keystone XL pipeline project and other 'vital energy infrastructure projects'. 
  • 7. Cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to improve U.S. water and environmental infrastructure.
The pieces of legislation Trump said he would be pushing for:
  • 1. 'Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act': Economic plan designed to grow the economy 4 per cent per year and create 25 million new jobs. Involves tax cuts, trade reform, regulatory relief, lifting restrictions on energy production, and encouraging companies with offshore funds to bring them back to America.
  • 2. 'End The Offshoring Act': New tariffs on goods brought into the U.S. by American companies that relocate jobs outside the U.S.
  • 3. 'American Energy & Infrastructure Act': Uses public-private partnerships and tax incentives to generate $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years.
  • 4. 'School Choice And Education Opportunity Act': Redirects education dollars to allow parents to choose any public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school; ends the 'Common Core' federal standards; and expands vocational and technical education.
  • 5. 'Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act': Replaces the Affordable Care Act with health savings accounts, removes barriers to purchasing health insurance across state lines, allows states to manage Medicaid funds and speeds up drug approval inside the Food and Drug Administration.
  • 6. 'Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act': Provides tax deductions for childcare and elder care and incentivizes employers to provide on-site childcare services.
  • 7. 'End Illegal Immigration Act': Funds a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, 'with the full understanding that the country of Mexico will be reimbursing the United States'; establishes 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after deportation, 5-year mandatory minimum for felons who illegally re-enter, and 5 years for coming back after multiple deportations; increases penalties for overstaying visas.
  • 8. 'Restoring Community Safety Act': Creates a Task Force On Violent Crime, increases federal funding of police forces and boosts federal support for anti-gang prosecutions.
  • 9. 'Restoring National Security Act': Eliminates the federal defense 'sequester' to restore military funding, guarantees veterans the option of private health care if VA facility wait times are long, institutes new defenses against cyber-attacks, and establishes new immigration screening based on 'values'.
  • 10. 'Clean up Corruption in Washington Act': Enacts new ethics reforms affecting politicians and their staffers.
Trump will need a Republican Congress to make these things happen, so the race for the White House isn't the only important election on November 8.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The MSM will not discuss, examine nor contrast these proposals with those of the statists such as Obama and the Hildabeast.

Americans will not examine them but rather opine on how they feel about them rather than weighing their merits.

I hope Trump wins, but the intelligence of the average American is dismal. To know this you have to do jury duty.