Wednesday, June 07, 2017

U.N. Rolls Out New Sustainability Agenda

By Douglas V. Gibbs
AuthorSpeakerInstructorRadio Host

Communism is alive and well, but has morphed into the United Nations.  The communist agenda is being pushed in the name of sustainability.  Internationalism is the new globalism, and globalism through environmentalist causes is fulfilling the dreams of Karl Marx on a massive scale.  Using the age-old argument of "only collectivism can save us now", the scheme that is hailed by globalists as being the thing that has kept us out of the next worldwide war, the United Nation's latest and statist 20-year plan is ready for implementation. . . again.

Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, whatever they choose to name it, the group of countries who oversee the strategy suspect approval later this year, and are now completing their plans for the next world order with a 20-year strategy called the New Urban Agenda. In adopting multiple resolutions, national governments laid groundwork that will enable UN-Habitat to advise countries and cities on how to plan, finance and regulate urban development, as well as track global progress toward the New Urban Agenda.  Participation is voluntary, but mandatory; and they don't want to tell you how to run your country, but they plan to tell you how to run your country.

This latest plan for stack 'em and pack 'em tactics in order to save the planet from the spread of the human virus called humanity is being raised up as a "more efficient, effective and accountable organization".

In short, the authoritarian nature of it is even more deceptive, and everyone will jump on board because. . . you want to save the planet, don't you?

Trump pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Change Accord sent a clear message to the world order social engineers that the United States does not plan to be taking orders from anyone, and I would be surprised if President Trump told the globalists to take the voluntary, non-binding agreement reached at the Habitat III summit in Quito and stick it where the greenhouse gases don't shine.

Development of the New Urban Agenda has been a difficult road, with questions arising about the role of UN-Habitat in the new agreement.  While the agency sees itself as the ruling elite engine, the terminology describing the agency is that it is “a focal point” with vaguely defined responsibilities. 

The United States maintained a significant role under the Obama administration, and as it stands the U.S. remains as a principal donor along with Norway.  The U.S. has insisted early, however, that last year’s agreement in Quito does not mean that the agency should take on a larger scope of work necessitating more core funding.

Last week, U.S. interests sighed in relief as the Governing Council reduced the agency’s core budget of non-earmarked funding from USD 45.6 million in the current two-year cycle to USD 26.1 million for 2018-19.  While the projection of earmarked funding for special projects will increase by about 10 percent to USD 454 million, this comes either directly from countries and cities seeking technical assistance or from donor countries who have a specific recipient in mind.

As for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, countries continued to stress that UN-Habitat is “a focal point” in the U. N.’s mission to ensure sustainable cities over the next 20 years, but it is a voluntary plan, and cities do have the right to adopt a go-it-alone approach.

During the Obama administration, refusal to participate often resulted in a loss of federal funds, and/or local regionalism funds.  So, while implementing "sustainability program strategies" remain technically voluntary, the reality is that cities are falling in line because of the money they'd lose if then didn't.

The Governing Council tasked the sustainability agency with developing “a unified global monitoring framework that will facilitate the tracking of progress towards achieving the New Urban Agenda, as well as the urban dimension of the 2030 Agenda including the Sustainable Development Goals”.

Some countries have pushed for stronger oversight of UN-Habitat, likely arising out of the fear of the increasingly authoritarian nature of the agency.

“The institution has had its problems with individual leadership and therefore transparency and decision-making,” it has been explained.  Kenya's leaders have voiced that they believe the UN-Habitat does not adequately consult with member states before taking action.
Totalitarian ruling elitists normally don't consult with the peasants before they act upon their dictatorial desires.

A new document that UN-Habitat has prepared in the last few months breaks the agreement down into 35 points outlining how countries are expected to act on implementing national urban policies, other enabling legislation, urban planning, municipal finance and local-level efforts.

“We need to move very fast,” UN-Habitat’s Africa director, Naison Mutizwa-Mangiza, told Citiscope last week. Mutizwa-Mangiza argued that the agency must deliver its framework for national implementation within a year in order to get African countries on the right track.

The urgency might also be revealed in the fact that the reality that man-made climate change is a political move exaggerating their own computer models to fit an authoritarian narrative is beginning to spread faster and faster, and the lack of warming across the globe over the last 20 years as the Earth enters a natural cooling cycle has been creating a situation where the casting of doubts on the overall religion of climate change has been increasing.

Plus, there is currently no money for such activities given the agency’s limited financial situation, because there are no specific projects with earmarked funding.

“It’s an issue fundamentally of resources, because most of our donors are taking a wait-and-see attitude,” Mutizwa-Mangiza said. Until the U. N. secretary-general’s evaluation makes recommendations, he said, “They are hesitant to put anything into UN-Habitat.”
The organization also pledged to keep in place the UN-Habitat’s Safer Cities Programme, which has served very well in its ability to hide its globalist nature in the name of good will and global assistance.  

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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