Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Potential Consequences Christian Baker Supreme Court Case

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

The Supreme Court has heard the oral arguments regarding the case revolving around the Colorado Christian Baker who refused to bake a cake with a gay message on it because it violated his religious liberties.  The homosexual agenda is stating that this is a civil rights case, and that the refusal was no different than racial discrimination.  The problem is, no matter how loud the gay agenda screams that theirs is a civil rights claim, the reality is that the push to normalize homosexuality is not a civil rights issue, and it has a more sinister foundation behind it.

The homosexual movement is tyrannical at its very base.  The supporters and members of the homosexual community seek to silence those who dare disagree with them.  They seek to destroy those who stand in the way.  If the Court Supreme Court finds for the homosexuals in the case regarding the Colorado Christian Baker it will unleash a militant attack against Christianity never seen before in this country. They will use that as an excuse to force Christian bookstores to carry gay books on the shelves, to force churches to all hire gay members as staff and as members of the clergy.  They will force all business establishments to act in a manner that supports their narrative, or risk being shut down and bankrupted.  Christian businesses will be targeted, forced into compliance with the Supreme Court decision and their enforcement weapon, coerced to accommodate the homosexual demands of the new Gestapo. Christians will be arrested and jailed for their Christianity belief, rounded up like cattle and likely marked like the Jews were during the Holocaust, because the gay agenda is a militant narrative that's not determined to only gain more power for themselves, but also to destroy Christianity.

We know these things, because these kinds of tactics was largely what was used to capture San Francisco.

In Chuck and Donna McIlhenny's book, "When the Wicked Seize a City," the authors explain that for daring not to comply, their little church in San Francisco was under constant attack. There were "attempts to burn down their church, threats on the lives of their children, lawsuits, and innumerable other attacks."  

In the gay parades, against any laws of decency, the parades were full of "gay sexual perversions [taking] place publicly."  They proclaimed that "God is Gay," as they "lay down in the street and simulated oral copulation with each other.  The crowd cheered enthusiastically."

In some parades and celebrations, actual acts of gay sexuality are performed in public, on the streets, as the police look the other way.

In November of 1987 an article titled, "The Overhauling of Straight America" in a magazine, Guide, the "power through intimidation" strategy is laid out clearly.  The plan to conquer America with their homosexual agenda includes propaganda, vilification of their opposition, and several strategies designed to weaken family-oriented America.  The litany of tactics being used by the homosexual agenda also falls in line with the same kind of ideas put forth by Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky in their plan to conquer America for the purpose of turning out country into a communist system.  

The plan began with a campaign designed to create "Desensitization," a move to encourage the public to view homosexuality with indifference.  This includes heavy blanketing of gay propaganda on television and radio, and using the term "lifestyle" to lull the moral sensibilities to include homosexuals along side other normal lifestyles.

"Victimization" is an old and well-worn liberal left tactic.  For the gay agenda the plan has been to portray homosexuals as victims in need of protection.  Then, make protection of gays by straights a "just cause" by making "anti-discrimination" its theme.

"Vilify all opposition to homosexuality" to the point that anyone who disagrees with homosexuality is seen in a manner similar to how we feel about the KKK, or NAZIs.  The vilification tactic has been largely carried out through the use of the term "homophobic".  Since the article laying out the strategies, writer Marshall Kirk expanded it into a book titled, "After the Ball."

San Francisco, now that it has been conquered, has become its own propaganda tool, labeled by the liberal left as a city of "civility and tolerance," when in reality for anyone who dares to disagree with the narrative, it is a place of violence and tyranny.

While it is important for Christians to not compromise, and to stand our ground on our "religious liberties," the issue we are now facing regarding the homosexual narrative calling for normalization of the behavior goes way beyond that.  As a Christian we must show compassion, while also firmly standing on the message that homosexuality is not an inherent trait.  There may be, in some people, a proclivity towards such a behavior, but like the person who claims to be a kleptomaniac, the behavior can be denied.  If this was not true, why do we have so many former gays among us?

We must remember, as angry as we may get as a result of what the militant members of the homosexual agenda are trying to accomplish, while God specifically condemns homosexuality, he still loves the sinner.  Homosexuality is not an unpardonable sin, but because it is a sin, when a gay finally surrenders and turns to God an internal conflict develops, and in innumerable cases, the power of God has delivered former gays through the salvation of Christ.  In short, the primary tool is for these folks to turn to Christ and repent from their sins.

Proverbs 27:5-6, "Open rebuke is better than secret love.  Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."

The purveyors of the gay agenda do not see our words as love, however.  They view them as words of war.

The homosexual movement promises freedom for those enslaved by their sexual demons, but in the end, it will result in tyranny against those who stand against them, and greater bondage by those enslaved by their immorality.

The only question now is if our society can survive this latest chapter in our modern era, or if civilization will implode from its internal debauchery as did many civilizations before.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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