Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Days of Noah Part I - The Clock Is Ticking . . .

Like the weather, human events can be unpredictable. Despite the sophisticated technology that mankind wields, our species continues to be unable to predict the weather forecast, or worldwide human events, accurately. Granted, our ability to read some of the rudimentary signs of the weather has become more dependable than past generations, and sometimes to read the signs of weather all one must do is look out the window. So why is it that the most obvious signs of human events and their deteriorating nature, which can be seen plainly by looking out the window and observing, is so difficult for our species to recognize as going in an amoral direction?

Tick, tick, tick. . .

I recognize that with each generation there has always been that old man sitting on his lawn grumbling about how the world is going to Hell-in-a-hand-basket because the kids of the most recent generation are "this" and they are "that." My grandfather told me stories about how his parents shook their heads over some of his shenanigans. In the 1950's the older generation considered the kids of that day to be out of control hooligans. The next generation, according to the elderly population, was populated by a bunch of lazy, disrespectful, pot-smoking hippies. The "Me-Generation" is narcissistic, and "Generation-X" is lost with no direction. There has always been a grumbling about the deterioration of society, and each generation has proclaimed that the complainers were too old to understand, and not hip enough to keep up.

Tick, tick, tick. . .

"Creeping Incrementalism" is the term for the slow change of society we are experiencing. Some people would compare our society's road to social demoralization and destruction to a frog slowly boiling in a pot. The frog swims around in the warm water, enjoying the sauna-like conditions, never realizing he is being slowly cooked until death approaches, and by then it is too late to bail out of the pot.

Tick, tick, tick. . .

What kind of society condones the death of innocent blood through abortion, and fights to protect the lives of guilty mass-murderers against the death penalty? How can we survive as a society with an ever increasing divorce rate that is splintering the family unit, while simultaneously encouraging the weakening of the Christian institution of marriage through the homosexual agenda's demands for gay marriage? How many people must die of AIDS, or suffer from the various other sexually transmitted diseases, before society realizes that its practice of promiscuous, non-marital sexual conduct is one of the leading factors of spreading these diseases? How many rights must be lost by Christians before the Politically Correct worldview completes is persecution of Christianity, and then turns on other groups that have turned a blind eye regarding the war against the Christian Faith? How many more people must die before we gain a foothold on our ever increasing violent society which is being fueled by our total disregard for the sanctity of life?

Tick, tick, tick. . .

How long can we be "business as usual" before the final hour strikes, and the consequences for our decaying society finally catch up to us?

Tick, tick, tick. . .

As I look at today's society, I find it strikingly similar to passages of scripture that describes Earth's final days. Are we living in those times? I believe we may. One thing is for sure, we are a generation experiencing a moral decline like never seen before in America.

Tick, tick, tick. . .

And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. Luke 17:26


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