Thursday, April 09, 2009

Gun Clinging Crazies, Gun Control In America

The Liberal Left is all up in arms because of this year's rash of shootings. They have been quick to blame the gun, and those that support the ownership of guns. Conservatism, in particular, is catching a lot of blame, as well. Interesting how people try to blame other people that are not connected with the shooting in any way, simply for stating their political opinions.

Could it possibly be that the individuals committing these shootings were unstable? Could it possibly be that even if the world was as Liberals hoped (you know, everyone dancing through the daisies, holding hands, singing together "The Age of Aquarius") these people would still find a way to do harm onto themselves and others?

I also wonder if the Liberal Leftards that are screaming "It's all those Conservative's fault" have taken into consideration the existence of other variables that may have contributed to the nutcase shooters going into rampage mode?

Richard Poplaski, the Pittsburgh shooter who killed three policemen, is a product of a broken family, was expelled from high school, and dishonorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps for throwing a food tray at his drill instructer. Hmmmmm, possibly unstable?

The shooter that shot up the civic center in Binghamton, New York, was Jiverly Wong. As much as the Left is trying to blame Conservatives for his rampage, it turns out that one of his beefs was that he was not offered a job as a speechwriter for Barack Obama. Gosh, using the Leftist line of thinking, could we then blame Obama for that shooting?

Robert Stewart, the guy who shot up the nursing home in North Carolina, was a three time divorcee, and a high school dropout with violent tendencies. Apparently, being unlucky in love ticked him off immensely. After all, the place he filled with bullets was also the workplace of his newly estranged wife.

The Oakland shooting, during which four cops were shot and killed, was committed by Lovelle Mixon. By the way, Lovelle was a paroled felon who couldn't quite get his life back on track, so he took it out on those four cops.

Another broken family was the foundation of the life of Michael McLendon, the person who killed ten relatives and neighbors in Samson, Alabama. He was living with his mother when he went nuts. After boycotting family funerals because he hated his relatives, he decided to put a few of them in coffins himself. Nuts, nuts, and nuts some more.

Now, I know that the Liberal Left is all up in arms blaming Conservatives and guns for these shootings. But has it ever crossed their minds that these people made independent choices, and if no gun had been available, they would have found another way to dish out their violent tendencies?

Besides, guns don't kill people. I know, it sounds like an old cliche, but seriously, I lay my guns on the table and tell them to shoot their bullets, and to this day, they don't do it on their own.

People kill people. Unstable people kill people. Each of the shooters mentioned had a number of things in common. Family instability, and individual choices.

Now, I know individuality scares the feces out of Liberals - and perhaps next they'll blame freedom on the killings, and try to outlaw liberty too - but honestly, how can they, in their right mind (or perhaps that should be "left" mind) believe that Conservative outcry against Obama is the cause of these killings?

Besides, why can't it be Obama's fault, libtards? After all, if the Conservative outcry is at fault for the shootings, then it would be reasonable to consider that if Obama had never been elected, there would be no outcry, and then the shootings would never have occurred. Right?

As for the cry for Gun Control, take this into consideration: Historically, when country's normally demand gun control, or take weapons away from the citizens, it is so that they can control the citizenry. Sounds tyranical to me.

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