In a word: Preposterous. April 15th the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication will be presenting CBS "Evening News" anchor Katie Couric with the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Journalism, according to John Ziegler on Fox News' website.
The question I have is if she is getting this award for journalistic excellence, or for fulfilling her role in the liberal political agenda machine? The interview did, in fact, have a huge impact on the election. She achieved the result the Democrat's desired.
Imagine, if you will, if one of her softballs to Obama had garnered similar devastating results and had brought down his candidacy. Would there have been any awards for her then?
Couric's award has nothing to do with journalism. Her interview had nothing to do with innocently finding out more about the Republican offering for Vice President. The award, and the interview, are both all about a political agenda. She not only should not be receiving a reward for the Palin interview, she should have been questioned for not applying the same standards of her so-called journalism across the board when interviewing Democrats. According to John Ziegler, "If we lived in a world where journalistic standards still mattered at all, she would have been roundly condemned for it [Palin interview]."
Fact is, Obama got elected in a large part because Palin was targeted, and demonized successfully by the biased mainstream media, and Couric's interview was a linchpin in the effort to pin down McCain as a rehash of Bush, and to portray Palin as a dumb podunk from the backwoods of Alaska. After that interview, everything Palin said was attacked as a "gotcha moment," and her perceived credibility crumbled as a result. It got to the point where fantasy and reality became so intertwined that the average American believed Tina Fey's words of comedy as Palin actually came out of Sarah Palin's mouth.
In short, Katie Couric's interview was a search and destroy mission, and she succeeded to devastate her quarry in that interview as far as the Democratic Party was concerned. And for this triumph of forwarding the Progressive agenda, she is being rewarded.
As an added note, John Ziegler has tentatively agreed to join Political Pistachio Radio this Friday Evening to discuss this matter at length. Join us at 7:00 pm Pacific time for the program. John is scheduled to join me during the second hour of the episode at 8:00 pm Pacific.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
A New Low Point for the Media: Couric Wins Award for Palin Interview - Fox News dot com
John Ziegler Official Website
Political Pistachio Radio
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