Get Liberty
The argument has been that the reason the Republican ship is listing is because they have left conservatism, opting instead for a more left-leaning world of so-called "moderates." The Democrats seem to believe they won the election because the country is heading left, and the Republicans seem to think the only way they can win an election is to play "progressive" too.
Conservatism is what the American People desire, and Conservatism is what built the Republican Party into a powerhouse during the Reagan Administration.
Problem is, the GOP is full of politicians that desire the same kind of power that is also desired by the Democrats, and many Americans are claiming they can't see much of a difference between the two parties, anymore.
With the very suggestion that it is conservatism the people crave, and conservatism that could save the Republican Party (if it is even worth saving), members of the left scoff and laugh. . .
Exhibit A: District 23 in New York.
Dede Scozzafava is a liberal with an "R" after her name. She may be a Republican, but she is as liberal as the Democrat (Owens) running in a special election in New York's district 23. Doug Hoffman is the unexpected variable. He is a conservative, who is in the race as an independent, and it is looking like he has a real shot of winning because people are sick of the radical Democrats, and they realize that Scozzafava as a Republican is no better, in reality, than a liberal Democrat - and as the word gets out to those who don't just vote party - lines, Doug Hoffman's popularity continues to rise.
Interestingly, proving he is a party hack, and not true to conservative principles, Newt Gingrich has endorsed Scozzafava. Sarah Palin, showing that she is true to her conservative principles, has endorsed the independent, Doug Hoffman.
The question being posed is: Are the parties getting the message?
The answer is no. The GOP leadership is about Party, and the Democrats are about power. If the Republican Party can be saved, it will need to be done from the ground up, and with the elimination of the current RNC leadership.
Otherwise, we may see the rise of conservatism outside of the party - encouraged by the same grass root effort that spawned the Tea Parties, and Town Hall uprisings.
Personally, however, I haven't totally counted out the GOP just yet. . . but if they don't get their act together by next year, we are going to see an interesting influx of conservative independents into Congress.
If only the politicians would stop worrying about their power, and listen to the people.
If only. . .
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Doug Hoffman For President
Palin Endorses Hoffman in NY Special Election - Newsvine
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