Sunday, January 09, 2011

Political Rhetoric Didn't Pull The Trigger

By Douglas V. Gibbs

It turns out that the shooter, Jared Loughner, that shot Congresswoman Giffords was a leftwing nutcase. Apparently, Giffords is not liberal enough for the fan of the communist manifesto.

Nonetheless, as predicted, the liberal left has found a way to blame the right for the shooting. Jane Fonda has gone so far as to blame the shooting on Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and the Tea Party.

Fonda's misguided finger pointing is guided by the liberal belief in collectivism, and their desire for a violent rightwing so that they can have an excuse to accuse, silence, and contain their arch nemesis.

The thing is, nothing that Palin, Beck, or the Tea Party has said would have influenced the leftwing shooter into his actions - and even if the shooter wasn't a leftwing nutcase, nothing anyone on the right said, thought, or implied pulled the trigger. The shooting was performed by an individual, a sick individual, but an individual nonetheless.

Liberals have been dreaming for the day a conservative goes into a violent binge. But the problem is, such idiocy is not in a conservative's nature. Why would someone that believes in protecting the life of the unborn, protecting the liberty of individuals, and in most cases believes in the peace of a loving God, resort to such violence?

In short, political rhetoric doesn't pull triggers. People make decisions based on their own choices. Achievers achieve because they decide to. Failures fail as the result of their own decisions. People try because they choose to, and people quit because they choose to. Sure, there are influences along the way, but nobody makes anyone do anything they ultimately don't want to do. Freedom is full of choices, and sometimes there are some people that make very bad choices.

Loughner shot Giffords because he chose to, and he should rot in prison for his choice (if not given the death penalty). He made a bad choice, and cannot be trusted in society for the safety of the public. But nobody else made him pull that trigger. He decided on his own to do it.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Arizona Shooter Jared Loughner: A Certified Lefty Nut -- His Videos, Favorite Books: Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf UPDATE: High School Friend Calls Him "Very Lefty" PHOTO - Atlas Shrugs

Jane Fonda Blames Giffords Shooting on Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and the Tea Party - NewsBusters

1 comment:

Bigfoot said...

I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it again. If the shooter had turned out to be muslim, the same people who now blame Beck, Palin, the Tea Party, etc. would be admonishing us against blaming muslims in general, and would be searching for any motivation other than islamic teachings to explain the shootings. They would also be ignoring or dismissing any evidence pointing to said teachings, even if the shooter had a website full of anti-infidel rhetoric and had shouted "allah akbar" while squeezing the trigger. See for example, Fort Hood.