Friday, September 16, 2011

Michelle Obama: All This Just For A Flag?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

First, Michelle Obama told us that she was never proud of this country until her husband got a political promotion to the highest office.

Now, her anti-American attitude has risen to the surface for all to see again.

When an American Flag is folded in honor of the dead, each fold carries a special meaning. It is a very important ceremony, especially when regarding the death of Americans such as regarding 9/11. The tradition is meaningful, and carries a meaning of faith that secularists could never understand.

Michelle Obama doesn't understand, and apparently doesn't care, about the ceremony of folding the American flag. During the event in honor of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, she observed the police and firefighters fold the flag with 13 folds, and a skeptical looking Mrs. Obama leaned over towards Barry Obama and said, “all this just for a flag.” She then pursed her lips and shook her head slightly as Mr. Obama nodded. Did it disgust her?

The purpose and importance of these ceremonies, and the importance of the 13 folds, is not something she is ignorant of, I believe. Her words were more to relay her disapproval of the ceremony. She disapproves of such patriotism because like her husband, she believes America is flawed as founded, and her anti-Americanism became apparent during that ceremony.

The folds of the flag reaffirm the bonds of loyalty and fellowship that cement our national unity. The American flag is the emblem of our land and all its ideals. It is a symbol of unity, something that is uniquely and explicitly American. Men and women have fought and died for it. Our enemies hate us for it and burn it in the streets.

To Michelle Obama, it is merely a piece of cloth.

And her opinion, revealed in those words to Barack Obama, was disrespectful.

How is it that this nation has allowed in the White House a President and First Lady that believes the ceremonies we hold dear to be nonsense, and the American system to be something that must be changed?

All this just for a flag?

Yes, Michelle Obama, but it isn't just a flag. The Stars and Stripes is the symbol of liberty that this nation enjoys, which even gives you the freedom to be the ignorant, anti-American fool that you are.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Why the American Flag is Folded 13 Times - Sgt. Grit

TRR: Michelle Obama: All This Just For A Flag? - Washington Times

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