By Douglas V. Gibbs
The U.S. Constitution was signed September 17, 1787. Constitution Day commemorates that tremendous day. Today is Constitution Day. The importance of celebrating the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution is tremendous, for we are not just observing an anniversary of the signing of a document, but we are recognizing the creation of the greatest political system ever conceived.
The Constitution of the United States was designed to stand the test of time, and it has indeed endured over two centuries. For many, it is considered the greatest document every conceived, and it is held in high esteem for nearly all Americans. But the appreciation of the U.S. Constitution does not stop there. The U.S. Constitution is also an object of admiration by peoples around the world.
Statists, from the very beginning, were determined to subvert the Constitution, and as time has passed the campaign against the liberty the Constitution ensures has progressed to an assault by liberal theorists and activist judges that has created an environment where the very foundations of this nation have been seriously undermined, and are in grave danger. This nation's core principles have been denigrated, and the Constitution is twisted constantly to fit the leftist agenda, regardless of the original intent of the document.
Thanks to the rise of the Tea Party, and America's desire to become more informed as a result of the destruction of the system by the liberal democrats, there is a renewed interest in the Constitution. Americans knew, as the Obama Presidency progressed, that something was seriously wrong. They could feel it in their gut because when you live with liberty, anything contrary to it is glaringly obvious. Then, while searching for the source of their discontent, Americans realized that what the liberal agenda has to offer is dead opposite to the system created by the founders in the U.S. Constitution.
Armed with the knowledge that the instruction booklet for taking back America is a small document called the U.S. Constitution, Americans have begun to seek to understand the founding principles and enduring truths that form the foundation of our system of government.
This makes September 17th a much more important day to many Americans. Suddenly, it isn't just another day, but an important observation of the day that the greatest governing document ever created was signed.
We the People are what the Constitution is all about. The document limits the authority of the federal government so as to protect the people from tyranny. The more of us that understand this, and demand a return to the Constitution, the greater the chance we will reach a point where this is a tipping point, and the government is forced to listen.
The Constitution has endured for over 200 years, and its enduring integrity cannot be taken for granted. We must be educated regarding the Constitution's principles, and we must fight to preserve the Constitution, for our nation's future depends on it.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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