Friday, April 13, 2012

Desperate Obama Attacks Ronald Reagan

By Douglas V. Gibbs

It is no secret that despite the not-so-conservative Romney pretty much nailing down the nomination for the GOP after Santorum bid farewell, which could hurt the republicans in their ability to secure the conservative and TEA Party votes, Obama's campaign is running scared. It has turned out that the liberal money machine has not brought in as much fund raising for Obama as folks originally thought, and the Obama team is admitting to win they will have to make this a nasty campaign season (though they are projecting the blame on Romney before it is even begun).

Obama is pulling out all of his arsenal, with his lackeys helping along the way. They have gone after Ann Romney for not being a working woman, they have gone after Mitt for being wealthy, they have falsely accused the republicans of launching a war on women with the extremely ridiculous "the republicans wanna take away your birth control" claim, and now Obama is even taking pot shots at Ronald Reagan.

Barry's claims about Reagan is nothing new, for the most part. Most of what Obama said have been liberal talking points for a couple decades now, and they are patently false. The democrats, and Obama, are hoping the voters either don't know the full stories behind Reagan's presidency, or are too young to remember or care.

And it doesn't seem so long ago that Obama was claiming he loved Reagan - you know, to shake off those silly little rumors that he might be a socialist, or something.

Barack Obama has nothing positive to run on. Nothing he has done has amounted to a hill of beans, and he has to find a way to get your eyes off of his failed presidency. The way he can do that is to impugn his opposition, from the candidates, to the voters, to the idols of the conservative movement. Therefore, Obama has decided to zero in on Reagan, and attack The Gipper with all that he has.

Obama needs these kinds of diversions, and personal attacks against the opposition. He can't win on his record, or his policies.

Obama claims Reagan was a tax hiker, was pro-abortion, had socialist policies that encouraged the redistribution of wealth (fair share as he calls it), that Reagan thought it was crazy the rich had "loopholes" that enabled them to pay less taxes than a bus driver, and that his positions would disqualify him from today's republican primaries.

What in the hell is this guy smoking? I've heard of revisionist history, but Obama has taken even the usually insane lies by liberals about Reagan to a whole new height.

Hmmm, if Obama is calling Reagan a socialist, then perhaps that explains the "Obama loves Reagan" stuff.

Problem is, either Obama has a warped view of history, or he is straight out lying.

The thing is ol' big ears knows that the republican establishment is afraid of conservatism, which is why they are pretty happy with Romney.

The truth about Reagan is he cut taxes, and when he agreed to sign a bill that raised taxes he did it with the understanding that the democrats would decrease spending much more than the taxes were raised. The democrats reneged on the deal, and now try to proclaim Reagan believed in raising taxes. Of the incident, Reagan promised he would never allow the democrats to fool him like that again.

As for taxing the rich, along with everyone else, the wealthiest Americans got huge tax cuts under Reagan. That is what led to the job growth of the eighties. It led to greater prosperity for everyone.

Obama's policies are failing, and that is the reason for this. He is trying to get your eyes off of the high 8.3% unemployment rate (Under Bush the rate remained around 5% and a little under until after the democrats gained control of Congress in 2006), the high four buck a gallon gas prices (they were under two bucks a gallon when Bush left office), a complete lack of job growth, and a national debt that is monstrous compared to any previous presidential term.

The democrats hate Reagan, and so they are jumping and cheering Obama's attacks against Reagan. They despise Reagan because of his success, and conservatism. Reagan proved that conservative policies work, and they have been trying to push that history out of everyone's minds ever since. And everyone loved Reagan, because he was a great president, and now Obama is invoking him to hide his own failures.

Obama's people are in an utter panic, and they don't know what to do. They are attacking in all directions. This is just the first of it. It will get ugly, because that is how the liberal democrats campaign. They can't win on what they believe, so they have to lie about who they are, and demonize anything and everything that represents the opposition.

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