Thursday, September 06, 2012

Godless Democrats Boo God and Israel at DNC Convention

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Right around the time of the last presidential election Ann Coulter published a book titled, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism." The first words of the first chapter of the book is, "Liberals love to boast that they are not 'religious.'" In place of God, argues Coulter, the liberal left has replaced the religion they hate with the religion of liberalism.

When government must be all things to all people, the last thing government needs is competition. People who have faith in God place their faith on a higher level than they do in government. The statists of the liberal left just can't have that. This is why the communists in the Soviet Union, China, and every other socialist totalitarian regime that has risen (and fallen) has done all they can to eliminate God from society, and this is why the Democrat Party is working to do the same.

When the 2012 Democrat National Convention decided to eliminate God from its platform, and refused to call Jerusalem the capital of Israel, the backlash from the Christian Community, and mainstream America, was incredible. The Democrats didn't think there were enough people of faith around to affect what they are doing. They figure the country has become center-left, and figured they could get away with eliminating God.

To calm those angry people the Democrats came to the conclusion that they must change their party platform at the convention to include God, and Jerusalem as Israel's capital. First, the motion was passed to suspend the rules so that they could make such a change, and then they tried to make a motion to change the platform to include God, and Jerusalem.

When the vote came down, there was no clear majority, so Los Angeles Mayor Villa-La-Raza tried again, and again, and then though there was still no clear majority, proclaimed the "ayes" had it. Then, the crowd of hard left liberals and Muslims among the delegates began to Boo loudly.

It angered them that the DNC would capitulate like that. They didn't want God as a part of their platform, nor did they want to call Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

Four years ago Ann Coulter nailed it on the head. The Democrat Party is Godless.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Resurrection: DNC Overrules Delegates, Rams God and Jerusalem Back into Platform - Breitbart

Democrats Change Platform to Add God, Jerusalem - Yahoo! News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[Amen, Douglas. Here's a little item I saw on the net. Cliff]

Christians Don't Want Jewish Death

Democrat leader Mark Siegel stated at the DNC that "fundamentalist Christians...want Jews to die and convert so they can bring on the second coming of their Lord."
It wasn't Glenn Beck, John Hagee, Hal Lindsey or any other Christian who first talked about the predicted massive slaughter of Jews during what Christians call the "end times."
It was the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah who as long ago as 487 B.C. predicted that two-thirds of Jewry in the "last days" will be killed (Zech. 13:8).
All true Christian leaders view this scripture with horror and sympathy and NOT with glee!
Fundamentalist Christians are actually waiting for an "any-moment rapture" to Heaven (several years before the second coming) and do not believe that any event, including this final Jewish holocaust, has to happen before their escapist rapture happens.
More shocks. Fundamentalists have recently been learning that their rapture belief was first taught in Britain in 1830 and that it wasn't widely adopted by Americans until the early 1900s. The documentation on all this is in "The Rapture Plot" (carried by online bookstores) which also reveals for the first time that, amazingly enough, this British theory has an anti-Jewish foundation! (For more info Google "Pretrib Rapture Politics.")
Although no one is perfect, evangelical Christians (including fundamentalists) are still the best friends of Jewish persons and Israel.