Sunday, June 09, 2013

Fundamental Rights and our schools

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The incubation system for good liberals is the public school system.  Every tyranny in history has known that the way to take over a civilization, without having to fire a single shot, is to teach the youth how to love the government, to love the system of statism, and be good, obedient drones.

Sometimes, the kids buck their indoctrination.  Usually, they suck up all of the indoctrination.

The liberal left mentality is all about collectivism, where their perception of the good of the community comes before anything you may want on an individual basis.  I remember when I was in school in the seventies, though I am naturally left-handed, I was forced to learn to write with my right hand. . . to make me like the rest of the collective.  The teacher used to hold my left hand and say, "This is the wrong hand," and then grab my right, "and this is the right hand."

A couple years ago a video surfaced in which Sarah Knopp, a Los Angeles teachers union leader, and Megan Behrent, a New York City teacher affiliated with the International Socialist Organization, are explaining how to push Marxism in the public school classroom.

The agenda is all about the collective, and destroying individualism, and their fearless leaders don't have to tell them what to do.  When faced with a fanatical system like liberal progressivism, the parts of the body know exactly what to do.  The good of the country, and the good of the individual, are nothing when compared to doing all that it takes to ensure that the leftist ideology moves forward..  That means also eliminating anything that a person may consider more important to them than the ruling system, be it religion, or culture, or personal freedoms - and teaching the kids to get used to authoritarianism, and zero-tolerance policies in their lives, as enforced by the ruling elite.

The evidence of this push is still hitting today's headlines. . . 

The news has been filled with instances where the mere mention of thanking God in a graduation speech has resulted in the speaker being shut down.  Armed with this knowledge, Roy Costner, the valedictorian of a high school class in South Carolina, with his approved speech in hand, decided to rip up the speech, and recite the Lord's Prayer, instead.  The leftists on the school faculty were surely appalled, but the crowd erupted into a roar of approval.

In Texas, a valedictorian's microphone was shut off when he diverted from his approved speech, and began to talk about the United States Constitution.

In an attempt to train children to accept gun control, for an unarmed populace is much easier to control by the government than an armed public, in California a school in the suburbs of San Francisco is holding a toy-gun trade-in, where if kids turn in their toy guns, they are receiving a chance to win a bicycle.  In the process, they are training the kids that not only are guns something the government wishes for the people to do without, but if the kids are obedient and complies with the government's demands, they may be entitled to a gift from the all-seeing, all-knowing, good-for-the-collective government.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

California School Toy Gun Swap - Business Insider

1 comment:

joetote said...

Brings to mind another Hitler quote that in my mind relates directly to the indoctrination now going on in our schools and the MSM propaganda industry.

"When an opponent declares,
'I will not come over to your side.'
I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already…
What are you? You will pass on.
Your descendants, however,
now stand in the new camp.
In a short time they will know nothing
else but this new community.'" -- Adolf Hitler