Wednesday, December 18, 2013

If They Made A White Version Of Barack Obama....

by JASmius

....this is what he would look like:

Unsurprising it is, then, that this yIntagh is to be the new marketing face of ObamaCare: Yes, an androgyne in a onesie:

First, we had Julia, the creepy, eyeless, vision-of-horror from Brave New World whose life was run from cradle to grave by the federal government. Then, we had Adriana, the painfully neutral and carefully ambi-racial stock-model-from-everywhere whose face became so synonymous with’s hilarious launch that she had to be replaced with a graphic plugging an 800 number. And now, courtesy of Organizing for Action, we have “Pajama Boy, a metrosexual hipster in a plaid onesie who wants you to spend your precious Christmas days talking to him about the president’s vision for health insurance.

Unlike your average Jehovah’s Witness, Pajama Boy has evidently managed not only to get into the warmth of your house to do his proselytizing, but to make himself a cup of hot chocolate and to get into his bedtime clothes to boot. That is to say, Pajama Boy is staying over — priggish facial expression and all — and he won’t leave until you’ve relented. The Founding Fathers certainly couldn’t have envisioned ObamaCare, but one suspects that if they had possessed even the slightest inkling that the growth of government would lead to this, they might have expanded the underused Third Amendment to include Advocates of Change™, too. These, suffice it to say, are people you do not want quartered anywhere near you.

If you think Charles Cooke was brutal, just check out Jim Geraghty's Morning Jolt today:

Hmm. Nope, nope, and nope, pal.  
Where to begin? That appears to be a plaid adult onesie, and this is really testing my libertarian live-and-let-live limits. I suspect there's a reason grown men don't usually wear onesies. Probably something to do with zippers and midnight trips to the bathroom, and how you really don't want anything down there getting caught when you're half asleep and zipping up. 
By the way, if you're in the market for a plaid adult onesie, apparently they cost $69.95. What you wear to bed is your business, but that seems like a lot of money for something you sleep in. 
Of course, he's not sleeping in that; he's having hot chocolate and discussing health insurance. (Wonder if Michelle signed off on the hot chocolate.) It's probably fair trade Mexican hot chocolate. It's spicy, Ibarra. Hard to find but "he knows a guy." (This is the only point where my mockery is mixed with a bit of envy.) 
He appears to be raising his eyebrow and smirking a bit, as if there's someone directly to his left who he thinks should be quite impressed with him at the moment. [See, I told you he was The One's caucasianized clone] Maybe this person just checked out the closet of his Brooklyn apartment and noticed all of the Urban Outfitters, Ambercrombie & Fitch, and American Apparel clothes - this is after he's mentioned to his guest his disdain for "blind consumerism." Lots of "skinny [aaaaaand "mom"] jeans," of course. He undoubtedly has already mentioned that he has a lot of vinyl records of a bunch of bands you've never heard of, or the early work of your favorite bands "before they went mainstream." He doesn't actually need those glasses. He just wears them because he likes the way they "frame his face." 
Obviously, he's going to be discussing health insurance with someone. He's wearing his watch, which seems a little odd. Christmas lights - er, wait, it's an ObamaCare ad, probably "Holiday Lights" - are up on the relatively bare walls. 
I'm definitely getting a "Pottery Barn Leather Sofa" vibe, which retails for about $2,999. If you're plunking down $70 for your pajamas, you're probably not going to be that horrified by the prices on  
John Sexton notices:

Oh, my money is on the guy from Big Bang Theory once they throw down in a slap fight.

I quote others at length on this not out of sloth, but mercy - "'tis the season," after all, and I don't need a stocking full of coal a week from now.  Of course, on the other hand, since O forced all coal-related enterprises in this country into bankruptcy via his anti-energy jihad, there probably isn't any to be had, even by Santa, and even he can't evade O's NSA global dragnet.
But what else needs be said beyond dubbing "Pajama Boy" the white Obama?  Other, perhaps, than to marvel at the apparent fact that the Regime's advertising "machine" fully and enthusiastically believes that this symbol is going to re-stoke the blind faith of the shafted young Americans who are fleeing their one-time adored demigod like a blind date with Miley Cyrus.

Put her in a matching onesie, and Miley and Pajama Boy would make a cute couple, wouldn't they?  Heck, you probably couldn't tell which was which.

Funny that both are more than rich enough to escape O-Care, though.  Hilariously so.

Almost as much as the wrecking ball that is its real symbol.

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