Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Benghazi Transcripts: Officials Briefed Obama On "Terror Attack"

by JASmius

Stephen Hayes points out that the Regime always chooses the option that leaves the itself least to blame and least at fault.

Are they sure the transcript doesn't say that officials briefed Obama on "man-caused disaster"?

You know, I try to picture myself as president and national security officials briefing me on something bad that's breaking in real time, and them telling me, "We think it's a man-caused disaster, Mr. President."  Then I think what my gut reaction would be, and I think it would go something like this: "What the [BLEEP] is a 'man-caused disaster'?  That could be Joe Biden getting hammered and [BLEEP]ing all over the Oval Office rug right before Michelle arrives to force-feed me those damned brussel sprouts.  Now would you kindly tell me what the [BLEEP] is really going on?"  I'm guessing this is why so many POTUS's have gained reputations for "salty" language.

Of course, in this instance I'm sure the national security officials briefed O on a "terror attack" and he corrected them on referring to it by the official state-sanctioned term.  Because, you see, if it's a "terror attack," then his entire Middle East policy doctrine is, well, blown up, his unconstitutional invasion of Libya is a disaster because it proves that all that accomplished was to hand Libya over to al Qaeda - which is what it was designed and intended to do but is still something The One doesn't want to advertise.  Still less does he want it to get out that the Regime is running arms to al Qaeda in Syria via his ambassador to Libya.  And recall that all this is going down two months before the 2012 election.  So, working on the principle of dead men telling no tails, O orders J. Christopher Stevens and three Navy SEALS abandoned to enemy slaughter, out goes Susan Rice to stir up a [BLEEP]storm, out rolls the "spontaneous protest of anti-Islamic youtube video" mendacity, and down the totalitarian memory hole the Benghazi terror attack goes, lock, stock, and difference.

And he "got past" that election, and now has absolutely no reason to cooperate with any of these Benghazigate probes and has amassed enough personal power that nobody can compel him to do so.  Which is why this isn't the "bombshell" some on the Right are doubtless hoping it is.  The transcript simply reflects that The One was informed of the facts before he proceeded to fecalize them.  And since nobody can make him own up to those facts, or his complicity in the fecalization, which included brutally watching (doubtless with nodding head) four Americans get cut down in the grizzliest fashion in real time, this revelation will result in Tea Party spluttering, Obamedia snores, and very little else.

I'd offer some solace that at least history will "get it right," but then it's the winners who write history, isn't it?  What was it Tom Zarek said in "Blood on the Scales"?  "The truth is told by those left standing."  Judging by who was still standing after the events of 9/11/12, justice and truth are going the way of Ambassador Stevens and his would-be rescuers, if it hasn't joined them already.

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