Friday, March 07, 2014

Ted Cruz: Abolish the IRS

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Ted Cruz, calling for the end of the IRS in his CPAC speech, is right. . . sort of.

He called for abolishing the IRS, and doing so by enacting a flat tax.  The problem is, that opens up the opportunity for the government to then go after a Value Added Tax, to supplement what they think they lost.  The problem isn't how the tax against Americans is applied, but the very fact that a direct tax exists in the first place.

How about we go a few steps further, and abolish the IRS by abolishing the 16th Amendment?

While we are at it, audit the fed, and then use that audit as a reason to shut down the corrupt Federal Reserve.

You can't make an omelet if you don't break a few eggs.

If we were to abolish all unconstitutional federal spending, and allow the States to take care of their issues without federal intrusion, or the federal government using federal funding to extort the States, federal spending would be at about 5% of GDP.  In the late 1800s federal spending was about 3-4% of GDP.  We don't need more taxes, as Obama has suggested he desires, but a government that is not spending so much money on things it has no authority to be involved in in the first place.

Of course, there are also other reasons to do things to get rid of the IRS. It is an agency that is used as if it is above the law, it ignores the illegal search and seizure language of the 4th Amendment, and as we saw with the recent scandal that Lois Lerner refuses to discuss, the IRS is being used by the leftists to hunt down and go after their political enemies.

Don't get me wrong.  I like Ted Cruz.  I think he is on the right track, and he is one of the few republicans that has acted upon his campaign promises, and is remotely conservative.  But, as much as I like him, he needs to move more towards the Constitution - which does not mean that he should be on the extreme right, for the Constitution is technically dead center.  I want him to move more towards center from the extreme left the GOP seems to be sitting at, which is only a few notches to the right of the statist liberal left democrats.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

'We need to abolish the IRS': Conservative firebrand Ted Cruz launches political convention with direct assault on U.S. Tax authority - U.S. Daily Mail Online

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