Friday, March 07, 2014

Chris Christie @ CPAC 2014: "We've Gotta Start Talking About What We're For & Not Against!"

by JASmius

In his remarks Thursday, Christie urged the audience to say "what we're for and not what we're against" and he sought to dispel what he called the news media's portrayal of the GOP. He went after Harry Reid for the attacks on the Koch Brothers and it sounded like he is very much running in 2016. Christie said that Governors are getting things done and cited Scott Walker, Rick Scott, and John Kasich.

Speaking about the Democratic Party, Christie said: "They're the party of intolerance, not us."

Christie urged everyone clearly define "what we're for and not what we're against" as Republicans and commit to doing all they can to elect GOP candidates to Congress and at the state level.

Double-C was at CPAC?  Really?  He must have crashed the party, then.  Although it's difficult to imagine a man of his girth slipping stealthily in a side exit door.

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