Friday, September 19, 2014

New Jersey Anti-Gun Prosecuter Persecutes Armed Mom

by JASmius

Chasing New Jersey first brought you the story of Shaneen Allen, the single mother from Philadelphia who didn't know it was illegal to bring the gun she was legally licensed to carry in Philly into New Jersey. When she got pulled over for a minor traffic offense she told the police about the gun and was arrested facing a mandatory three-year sentence.

After hearing about the case, most people thought there's no way she would do time for an honest mistake. Well, yesterday she was in court and she can now face a maximum sentence of 11.5 years in prison. Ten years for possession of a weapon and another 18 months for possession of the bullets.

Allen's attorney Evan Nappen discussed how a person with no prior offenses could end up spending a decade behind bars for being honest.

Well, I don't have the energy to explain it all again, but I'll give you a clue: 62 million assclowns voted for it twice.

Exit observation: Wow, leaving those two young boys as effective orphans will do wonders for their upbringing, won't it?  I'm sure the State will come to the "rescue" and "raise them up in the way they should go".  Which is to say, like Ray Rice, only without the money.  Or, more likely, like Michael Sam.

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