Monday, October 13, 2014

Democrats Blame GOP For Ebola Pandemic

by JASmius

Rose Garden press conferences in the very near future, in case you were wondering.

And isn't it fortunate that we have the Democrat Party around to always remind us who's always to blame for that and everything else?

It started, as these despicable smears always seem to do, on MSNBCCCP:

The first sloppy effort to brand the Republicans as the party of Ebola came from MSNBC host Joy Reid who insisted that too few are focusing on the federal response to the disease’s spread and not the fact that hemorrhagic fever is catching in a private hospital in a state run by the GOP!

That, of course, is the sort of grade school playground trash-talking for which Rachel Maddow's sexually indistinct coven is famous.  What passes for higher-level Donk propaganda (i.e. eight-grade level) to turn the ebola pandemic against Republicans emerged in this HuffPo salvo:

“NIH has been working on Ebola vaccines since 2001. It’s not like we suddenly woke up and thought, ‘Oh my gosh, we should have something ready here,’” Collins told the Huffington Post on Friday. “Frankly, if we had not gone through our ten-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would’ve gone through clinical trials and would have been ready.”...

“We would have been a year or two ahead of where we are, which would have made all the difference,” he said.

"Ten-year slide in research support".  Why, the first four of those years were George W. Bush's second term!  AHA!  So this ebola epidemic is ALSO Bush's fault!

But the other six years?  The ones that came on President Obamebola's watch?  When domestic spending of all imaginable shapes, facets, and sizes on every program under the sun exploded like an insatiable gamma ray burst?  When the federal budget became an unquenchable fiscal active galactic nucleus?  Shut up, it's all Bush's fault.

And then comes this "independent" ad, fueled by the "soft money" Obamunists only hate when it pays for pro-GOP spots:

Erick Erickson says it well: "It’s a defensive ad that reeks of desperation". And it is hilariously easy to atomize:

For example, instead of studying Ebola, the National Institutes of Health were studying the propensity of lesbians to be fat.

Then there was the money for a study on wives who calm down quickly.

And the Centers for Disease Control spent its budget on gun violence studies on order of the President as part of his agenda to curtail the second amendment.

The CDC also spent its money to survey what bus riders thought of HIV videos.

Hey, and let’s not forget all the money the CDC spent to convince people to stop smoking and now we need tobacco to manufacture the drug to fight Ebola. Classic. [emphasis added]

That was just the appetizer; CounterMoonbat provided the other eight courses of the meal:

$325,525 for a National Institutes of Health study that found wives would be happier if they could calm down faster during arguments with their husbands.

"Massage in rabbits" ($386,000) - Ohio State University. The official title of the study is "Massage Therapy in Eccentric Exercise Induced Muscle Weakness and Inflammation". The principal investigator confirmed with me that it is as it read - a study apply massage to rabbits to try to figure out what is the better massage duration.

"Why Fruit Flies Fall In Love" - The National Institutes of Health spent $939,771 on research that has discovered male fruit flies are more sexually attracted to younger female fruit flies. "Video of the encounter," the entomological pimps "scientists" wrote, "showed that the male was much more attracted to the young fly."

"Mood Enhancing Re-Runs" - The NIH squandered another $666,905 for a study into why people enjoy watching reruns of old TV shows like "Seinfeld". "There is something special and comfortable about a 'relationship' in which you already know what the other person is going to say or do." the "study's" lead "investigator" wrote.

Was Obama the test subject for this NIH study? $350,000 researching how golfers perform when using their imagination.

So, to Paul Begala, all I can counter-Tweet is, "Gee, thanks, Democrats!  We’d have an ebola vaccine if you weren't so [BLEEP]ing fiscally incontinent!"

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