Sunday, October 12, 2014

In Search of a Pudgy Dictator

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Un Dictator, Kim Jung Un, the pudgy successor of a much thinner Kim, Il, has failed to show up at an important event.  His failure to appear at a celebration he was expected to be at has created all kinds of speculation regarding his whereabouts.  Is he ill?  Was he dethroned?  Is he still eating his most recent meal?

The official dictator run media says fat boy is still in charge and is fine. . . unofficial reports says he's laid up with a leg injury.

His absence has led to theories that there are problems in the power structure in North Korea.  Power?  Take a look at North Korea at night, and you'll see that power is a bigger problem than we are being told.

It's difficult to eat bark in the dark.

And yes, as you can see, I have trouble taking the pudgy little dictator serious. . . but the truth is, he's dangerous, but if he was deposed, an unpredictable power-hungry successor could be even worse.  With the nuclear capabilities of North Korea, a missing Kim Jong Un may not be a laughing matter.

If he has an ankle injury, as we are being told, I feel bad for the ankle.  That's a lot of North Korean pork to hold up without full capabilities.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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