Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Milwaukee Set To Explode

by JASmius

All that remains is the fateful spark to launch the conflagration.

It was depressingly easy to predict.

1) The inevitable "Dontre Hamilton March";

2) The "peaceful protest" growing into a restive, angry lynch mob;

3) A growing portion of the restive, angry lynch mob loudly calling for looting, arson, destruction, and violence;

4) Citizen Militia groups guarding local businesses, sharing intel information on various protest factions in the downtown area, and otherwise preparing for the worst just in case Wisconsin State officials either chicken out on deploying the National Guard or the NG can't reach their respective areas in time.

Only thing holding back the insurrectionary flames is how many Black Klan agitators are already present in Wisconsin's largest city and how quickly reinforcements can arrive.

The National Guard remains "on call".

Exit question: Will the cop-killing spree over the weekend give anybody in Milwaukee even a modest bit of pause?  Or is the racist madness unstoppable?  Reportedly round one has fizzled into "peaceful" (though doubtless incendiary) speeches.  But there are at least another ten days of insurrectionary opportunities planned, so a blow up seems to be only a matter of time.

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