Monday, February 16, 2015

Why French Jews Are Emigrating To Israel

by JASmius

Anybody with even a rudimentary history of what happened to God's chosen people in Europe beginning about eighty years ago and culminating less than a decade after that doesn't need an overabundance of the hints in this video:

While walking quietly through the streets of Paris wearing a yarmulke, Zvika Klein claims to have experienced the shocking amount of discrimination and intimidation that Jews can experience on a daily basis.

With a photographer walking in front of him with a GoPro camera hidden on his backpack, Klein says an array of insults and hostile stares were hurled in his direction because he was perceived as a Jew.

“He came here to fuck from the front and the back,” one person reportedly said.

Viva Palestine!” another shouted.

“Hey you, with the kippa (yarmulke), what are you doing here?” yet another individual remarked. [emphasis added]

Mr. Klein and his brethren can be forgiven for not feeling welcome in what had heretofore been their own country.  And they know where such public hostility leads.  Just ask the survivors of  that kosher deli in Paris.  No wonder Benjamin Netanyahu's invitation is so appealing.  History is, quite literally, repeating itself less than a century after the world said, "Never again".

"Never again," my tookhes.

But I must ask the same question I did yesterday: Jews have a homeland to which they can flee, and thank the LORD for it.  But Christians are hated as much as Jews; and when the enemy within comes for us, to where do we flee?

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