Thursday, March 26, 2015

Beth Van Duyne, Anti-Soft Jihad Warrior Princess

by JASmius

Six weeks ago, we brought to your attention the creeping Sharia-ism infiltrating Irving, Texas.  At the time, Mayor Beth Van Duyne stated, "Recently, there have been rumors suggesting that the city of Irving has somehow condoned, approved, or enacted the implementation of a sharia law court in our city....Let me be clear, neither the city of Irving, our elected officials or city staff have anything to do with the decision of the mosque that has been identified as starting a sharia court."  Two days ago, Mayor Van Duyne led the Irving city council in a resolution supporting Texas HB562, which reasserts the supremacy of U.S. and State law over Sharia, declaring, "It is important to recognize the Constitution and unite behind U.S. and Texas laws....Respect them, obey them, embrace them."

The reaction from the soft-jihadists and their leftwingnut allies has been predictably sulfuric.  And while Mayor Van Duyne may be a hot blonde, she is no shrinking violet:

According to WND, Van Duyne has sworn to “fight with every fiber in my being” against the establishment of Shariah law in her town, and despite the outcry from Muslim groups and the leftward media, she has also garnered quite a bit of support from her community, as well as from conservatives around the country.

She even worked with the Texas State Legislature to draft a bill that directly prohibits the use of foreign codes of law in U.S. courts, which was approved by her city council.

Although the bill doesn't mention Islam, or any other religion for that matter, there is little doubt that it is designed to prevent the use of Shariah law in the U.S., as similar laws have been passed in a number of states around the country.

Mayor Van Duyne is courageously standing up for American values and American ideals, even in the face of withering criticisms and demonization launched against her by terrorist front groups like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, aided of course by the useful idiots in the media.

And whaddaya know?  She's winning.  It's amazing what a stiff dose of cultural self-confidence can accomplish.  It just goes to illustrate how so many of the battles in what we call the "culture war" have to be won against ourselves, after which taking on and defeating the actual enemy can prove to be a much less formidable task.  We must, in other words, believe that we can win before we ever will win.

Yeah, it's in deep-"red" Texas, so Mayor Van Duyne has the "home field advantage".  But this counter-counterculture offensive has to start somewhere.  And she is most definitely more than a mere "cheerleader".  Hint: Remove the "cheer".

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