Friday, March 20, 2015

Bibi Fires Back

by JASmius

The only place in the American media where the Israeli leader can, and ever will be able to, receive a fair shake:

Thursday evening, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sat down with Megyn Kelly on the Fox News show The Kelly File and discussed Israel’s side of the conflict in the Middle East. Netanyahu addressed various issues, one of which being allegations from the White House that Israel is disrupting peace talks with Palestine.

By not surrendering to the Pals, natch.  So the Jewish State must be forced to do so.

During the interview Kelly asked Netanyahu about rumors that the White House is threatening to ‘abandon’ Israel at the United Nations, reversing decades of history between the two allied countries. Netanyahu responded “Well, I hope that’s not true. And I think President Obama has set time and time again. As I've said that the only path to a peace agreement is an agreement, a negotiated agreement. You can’t impose it.” [emphasis added]

Because that is called an "ultimatum".  And a "fait accompli".

And "peace in our time".

Because giving in to genocidal, theocratic fanatics always calms things right down.

Bibi knows his history.  Which is why he "worries every day for the survival of Israel".  Because history, as it always has, is repeating itself.

I'll say it once more: "Never again," my ass.

UPDATE: Senator Marco Rubio goes Bibi-ieval on Red Barry's ass.

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