Monday, March 09, 2015

Consolidating Obama's Power

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I was talking to a friend of mine, who takes my Constitution Class, after the end of class last Thursday Night in Temecula, and he said to me, "I'm a liberal to my core, but I believe in the Constitution."

He used to be a part of the Hollywood scene, so his statement did not surprise me, and I also knew what he meant.  He's a bleeding heart liberal who agrees with all of the liberal love-fest policies about feeding the poor, clothing the homeless, and "equality for all."  I told him, as I have told many, that I have the same values as liberal leftists, except, I believe our charity should be on a voluntary basis by individuals that choose to do so. . . not through government mandates, and a redistribution of wealth that begins with a progressive tax rate.

"I'm a liberal," he continued, "but I can't be a Democrat.  They aren't Democrats, anymore.  They are a bunch of statists."

The desire for big government is no stranger to the Republican Party, as well, but with the GOP we still may have a slim chance to throw them all out of the party. . . maybe.

Statism is the key, and statism calls for a consolidation of power in a centralized government.  Despite all of the accusations of George W. Bush seeking a stronger executive, in the end, the Obama administration's push for greater centralized power makes anything Dubya was doing look like a walk in the park.

Obama's Executive Amnesty is among the latest assaults on the American System.  President Barack Obama decided, since he couldn't get the Republicans in Congress to play ball with his desire to jack up the Democrat voting base by importing even more illegal aliens, he was going to do it unilaterally.  The announcement surfaced in November, and with the "clean" DHS bill, it has become apparent that the Republicans don't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the rising power of the executive under the iron fist of Barack Obama.

Dick Durbin even went so far as to compare Obama's immigration executive fiat to Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, not only misrepresenting Lincoln's attempt to get Europe out of the War Between the States, but he then butchered the Constitution with a flurry of idiotic assertions about slavery, the founders, and what the Constitution says or doesn't say about the issue of slavery.

The Emancipation Proclamation did not free the slaves, it was a proclamation.  Even if it did have the power of law, it's provisions would not have freed the slaves.  The purpose of Lincoln's brilliant political move was to redefine the Civil War from being one about States' Rights, and instead making "slavery" the primary ingredient.  The folks across the Atlantic saw how Lincoln redefined the war to be one specifically about slavery, and the citizens of the European nations that were entangled in the war demanded their country's departure from America's "war about slavery."  The European fleets vanished, and The Union then hit the South's ports, forcing the Confederacy to fight the war on multiple fronts, eventually leading the Union to victory over the Confederate States of America.

As for Durbin's idiotic statement that the Constitution did nothing for slavery, first of all we must recognize the slaveholders involved in the founding of this nation were in the minority, and most of the framers of the Constitution were abolitionists.  Article I, Section 9 also put into play the eventual abolition of slavery by outlawing the Atlantic Slave Trade.  The framers firmly believed that slavery would peacefully be abolished in the United States in their lifetime, as was happening in Europe at the time.  War was the last thing they expected, and in all honesty, when one takes into account the lack of economic viability for slavery, and the strong abolitionist movement in the South, one must consider that the death of over 600,000 young men in the American Civil War was not necessary.

Racial divide, however, is simply just another tool for the statists, a tool they wield effectively in their attempt to fundamentally change the American System into something the framers of the Constitution would never recognize.  "Divide and Conquer" is an age-old military technique that works well in politics, as well.  The goal, however, is not "social justice," or whatever other names they want to call their crusade, but instead it is statism, and the expansion of the central government by consolidating more power under the executive while Barack Obama is still in office.

The Selma 50th Anniversary marked a great turning point in this nation, and Obama joined the marchers the other day to signify the importance of the event.  But, based on his actions as President, and the drive for racial divide, it is clear he doesn't care about the historical aspect of Selma as much as he desires to use it for his political advantage.  Racism is a tool for Obama, and it is used to silence dissent, and frighten those that may dare to stand against him.  He declared it was slaves that built the White House, and listening to his speech, he paid lip service to everyone he could, for political reasons, not because of Selma's importance, or the contributions he swears certain groups made to the founding and prosperity of this country, but because it was politically expedient to do so.

The media is also in on the ruse, reporting every shooting involving a black youth they can.  The "white" cops in America are being demonized and targeted by the media, and leftist political figures.  Sure, there may very well be problems in the police forces of this nation, but the Democrats are not seeking solutions.  Statists are not interested in justice.  Their goal is all about their agenda.  The news is a political tool, and the uninformed voters that have a knee-jerk reaction every time something happens that seems to echo the statist's claims, are always ready to be pawns themselves, shouting and screaming and raising the red flag of statism without even realizing it.

Like Obama, the radicals of racial divide, amnesty, and socialism co-opted the Selma anniversary, as they do everything else.  They are mindless tools doing the work to turn this country into a statist utopia.  Everything is to be used politically.  The agenda is their concern, not rights, liberty, and the American System.

Even dealing with deadly enemies like Iran, Barack Obama is not interested in working with Congress, or even considering what America's opinion is on the issue.  As he has been with everything else, if Obama doesn't get his way, he sneers at his opposition, and then takes unilateral action.  And remember, this is the same person that falsely accused Bush of doing the same.  Obama, before he was first elected President over half a decade ago, assured Americans he would work with Congress.

While Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution tells the President to "faithfully execute the laws of the United States," Obama refuses to enforce the laws he disagrees with ideologically, and he is telling agencies that there will be punishment if they enforce the laws, such as immigration laws, that he does not wish to execute.  The Executive Branch's FCC has seized control of the internet in complete defiance of Congress, and a court order.  Health Care authorities have been illegal seized by Obamacare for the executive branch.  And the list goes on and on and on.

By 2016, if not already, we will see Congress relegated down to being nothing more than an ignored consultative assembly, filled with Republicans either too frightened to stand up to the dictator in the White House, or in secret agreement with his seizure of power.

The Founding Fathers warned us about this kind of tyranny, and when faced with the reality of a loss of liberty, they took action.

What are we doing to stop this?

How long before the opposition to the liberal left's statist agenda are hunted down, and eliminated, without the right to due process?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Dick Durbin Compares Obama's Executive Amnesty to Emancipation Proclamation - YouTube

Obama in Selma for milestone march's 50th Anniversary - Yahoo News

Obama to make call to action in Selma anniversary visit - Reuters

Obama: "We're the Slaves who built the White House - Weekly Standard

Amnesty Advocates Looking to Co-Opt 'Blood Sunday' Selma Commemoration - Breitbart

Fatal Police Shooting of Unarmed 19-year-old Prompts Protest - Yahoo News

President Obama Goes Unilateralist: Threatens to Veto Bill Requiring Congressional Review of Iran Agreement - Opinio Juris

Obama: Bush Abusing Power Not Going Through Congress - You Tube

AZ Sheriff: Obama Telling Us to Sit on Our Hands - Breitbart

FCC and Obama Claims Federal Supremacy to Regulate Internet - Political Pistachio

Supreme Court Justices Divided Over Obamacare Subsidies - Fox News

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