Remember how the American Left is always shrieking about the "Zionist Lobby" and its inordinate influence over and control/manipulation of the American political process for the eeeeeevil Joooooos? Looks like still another manifestation of leftwing psychological projection to me.
Although it must be said that Barack Obama isn't the first Democrat despot to foment insurrections in Isreal. Bill Clinton's efforts proved to be successful in replacing Bibi in 1999 with Labor's ironically surnamed Ehud Barak, who proceeded to attempt to give away the entire West Bank to the late Yassir Arafat, only to have the PLO chieftain declare Barak's suicidal offer insufficient and launch the second Intifada. A "Final Solution" process that O clearly hopes to reprise.
We must remember Barack Obama's delusion-of-godhood narcissistic mentality. He wants Iran to eradicate Israel, and expects the Jewish State to docilely cooperate in its own demise. Benjamin Netanyahu refuses to stick his country's head in The One's noose, "insubordinately" declines to follow King Hussein's orders, and has the temerity to accept perfectly legitimate invitations from U.S. congressional leaders to come to Dear Leader's own backyard to argue against his anti-Semitic (and anti-American and anti-Western) foreign policy. Such "uppitiness" from what he considers to be an absolutely insufferable "Hebe" cannot be tolerated, and before the Jews can be "put back in their place" of diaspora and genocide, their leader must be toppled and destroyed. [emphases added]
-Me, seven weeks ago
That Israeli election is today. And it looks like O is going to out-do Sick Willie yet again:
In a frenzied last day of campaigning, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday ruled out the establishment of a Palestinian state and vowed to keep building east Jerusalem settlements as he appealed to hard-line voters on the eve of Israel's closely contested general election.
The three-term prime minister warned in an interview that if Israel were to withdraw from the occupied West Bank to allow a Palestinian state it would give Islamic extremists a staging area for attacks on Israel.
Another staging area, he means, since that's precisely what the late LINO (Likudnik In Name Only) Ariel Sharon did a decade ago in the Gaza Strip, and the result was Hamastan. Reprising that in the West Bank would be the second pincer that would leave the Jewish State surrounded within its own borders, the jihadist tourniquet around Israel's waist.

But what does it say about Bibi's re-election prospects when he's having to issue last-minute appeals to "hard-line" (i.e. not nationally suicidal) voters? Answer: Israel has been "Obamunized":
Recent opinion polls show his Likud Party lagging behind Isaac Herzog's Zionist Union. Herzog, who has vowed to revive peace efforts with the Palestinians, repair ties with the U.S. and reduce the growing gaps between rich and poor, confidently predicted an "upheaval" was imminent. [emphases added]
Like Barack Obama is not the one responsible for damaging Israeli-American "ties" in the first place. And does that second item not sound awfully familiar? The difference, of course, being that under Mr. Netanyahu, there actually is prosperity and economic growth, which always stimulates the complacency and economic ignorance of the electorate.
Herzog is exaggerating a "smidge". ZU is ahead, but only barely, and those numbers could even result in a power-sharing "unity" government that leaves Netanyahu Prime Minister, but in a significantly weaker position.
And Bibi's opponents have problems of their own:
Late Monday night, it was announced that Herzog's main partner, former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, had given up an agreement to rotate the prime minister post with him if their alliance wins. It was widely thought that the unusual arrangement was driving away voters.
Think of Livni as the Jewish Hillary Clinton, and remember her as one of the Kadima architects of the "unilateral disengagement" policy that handed Gaza over to Hamas, and thus, the Iranian mullahgarchy. Which turned out SO well....
...but appears to perhaps be on its way to being repeated.
But human nature is, after all, the problem with perpetual existential crises. When they first erupt, everybody mans the barricades to fight; but after enough time passes, most people get tired and want to "go home," even if doing so means losing their homes. And then those people simply delude themselves into believing that that isn't what they're actually doing.
The jihadists - Sunni, Shiite, and Barack Obama - know this. Hence their "Long War". Benjamin Netanyahu knows this as well. Regrettably, his people are not as "vigilant". In a few hours, we'll see if they were vigilant enough.
Exit reminder: Keep your barf bags at the ready if Bibi goes down for the inevitable Obama victory lap presser. I'd stock up on Hefty bags, if I were y'all.
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