Well, at least we know that Temple One got through Barack Obama's air defenses. Now begins Bibi's combination charm/disarming offensive:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted Monday that his plans to address Congress are not aimed at disrespecting President Barack Obama, even as he assailed the U.S. leader's bid for a nuclear deal with Iran as a threat to his country's survival.
"I have a moral obligation to speak up in the face of these dangers while there is still time to avert them," Netanyahu said during an address to a pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington.
I'm assuming that this statement of the obvious was designed to quell fears from some who actually still pay attention to and are swayed by anything this White House says on a daily basis that Mr. Netanyahu isn't going to take the lectern in the House chamber tomorrow donned in coal-black minstrel makeup and drop the N-word forty seven times. Except that, of course, anybody who still pays attention to and is swayed by anything this White House says on a daily basis probably won't be watching Bibi's speech anyway, and will find out about it afterwards from MSNBC, who will dutifully "report" that the Israeli Prime Minister shuffled comically to the House lecturn and and told StepNFetchit jokes about O's days as Barry Soetoro in a horrible Rochester impression.
But then we have to remember that Mr. Netanyahu's very existence anywhere on this planet is considered "disrespectful" by King Hussein, much less coming here, much less to address a(n almost) joint session of Congress, much less to tell the truth about The One's total sellout to the mullahs on their nuclear weapons ambitions. And that's not even including the latter's contemplation of shooting down Israeli warplanes if and when they do try to take out Iran's nuclear weapons facilities, to which it is unlikely that even the Israeli Prime Minister will make reference in so public a setting. And, really, if Bibi gave a kosher dill about the fragility of The One's ego, he wouldn't be in Washington this week, now would he?
It's....interesting that AIPAC made him the meat in a most unpleasant oratorical "manwitch":
Netanyahu's remarks at the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee were being bracketed by speeches from a pair of senior U.S. officials: U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power and National Security Adviser Susan Rice.
Power spoke warmly of the ties between the U.S. and Israel, saying the relationship was rooted in "shared, fundamental values." She highlighted the billions of dollars in military assistance Washington provides Israel and the constant defense the U.S. provides Israel at the United Nations.
IOW, Ambassador Power is the "good cop".
Power said the deep ties between the longtime allies meant their relationship "should never be politicized."
I.e. like Netanyahu, Boehner, and McConnell are allegedly doing.
The ambassador also defended Obama's pursuit of an accord with Iran and said the president shared Israel's commitment to preventing Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
Which, if he really shared Israel's commitment, he'd be invading Iran instead of negotiating with them.
"If diplomacy should fail, we know the stakes of a nuclear-armed Iran," she said. "We will not let it happen."
....but are.
Rice was expected to deliver a more specific rebuttal to Netanyahu's criticism of the U.S.-led nuclear negotiations. She also has been among the most outspoken critics of the prime minister's plan to address Congress, calling the move "destructive" to the U.S.-Israel relationship.
IOW, she's the "bad cop". As though that will have the slightest jot or tittle's effect on the stiff dose of truth Prime Minister Netanyahu will deliver tomorrow.
Frankly, if it didn't "disrespect" the "right" people, the speech would be an utter waste of time. And as Bibi said today, "U.S. leaders worry about the security of their country," he said. [They don't, actually, but he knows that, and besides, he's trying not to "disrespect" Obama, remember?] "Israeli leaders worry about the survival of their country."
It's only Red Barry that refuses to recognize how inextricably linked those two worries really are.
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