Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Netanyahu Victory, Despite Obama

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Benjamin Netanyahu, according to early reports and early polls, has pulled off a win in Israel's national election, but it was a squeaker, and Herzog has yet to concede.

The United States Senate is looking into the Obama administration meddling in Israel's election, where the American leftists handed $350,000 of taxpayer money to the opponent of Netanyahu (through a few channels) in an attempt to unseat Israel's prime minister.  The Obama administration's problem with Netanyahu, it seems, is the same as Mr. Herzog's (Netanyahu's opponent).  Both Herzog and Obama stand against Netanyahu because of the prime minister's refusal to buy into the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, brokered by the US.

For those that understand history, and understand Islam, the two-state solution is no solution, but instead a path towards Israel's destruction.

Of course, all parties facing allegations of involvement with the White House's scheme to oust Netanyahu through influencing the outcome of Tuesday’s Israeli election are denying their part in it.

The feud between Netanyahu and the liberal left, be it leftists in the U.S., or in Israel, is nothing new.  As I explain to people, in free societies, there will always exist a right versus left paradigm because with freedom comes the allowance to make a choice on what a person prefers.  If ever the statists of the liberal left get their way, however, that choice will be gone.  In liberal left dominated tyrannies, all opposition is silenced, and dissent faces threats of charges of sedition.

A little over a week ago, tens of thousands of leftwing Israelis attended an anti-Netanyahu rally, calling for change, and hope, and accusing Netanyahu of damaging Israel's place in the world.  Their opinion stems from Netanyahu refusing to compromise on giving land for peace.  He understands that land for peace does not work.  It never has for Israel, and it never will.  In fact, Netanyahu has stated that in the current Middle Eastern climate, the country would be foolish to cede any territory to Palestinians, claiming that evacuated territories would fall into the hands of Islamic extremism.  Gaza is a great example of that.

Critics of Netanyahu have challenged the prime minister's stance, calling his position, and specifically pointing at his speech to the U.S. Congress recently, vitriolic.  Meir Dagan, a former director of Mossad, said Netanyahu's positions regarding Palestinians would lead Israel to being either a binational or an apartheid state.

The prime minister's stance against socialism also became a battleground, with one ad comparing lazy workers to Islamic terrorists, and attributing such a distinction to being the opinion of Netanyahu, of which Bibi's team indicated the prime minister had no knowledge of the ad.

As the election approached, many speculated that a perfect storm was swirling that would remove Netanyahu from office.  And the election did prove to be close, but in the end, the former Israeli Defense Force soldier pulled off the victory.

With an apparent animosity against Netanyahu being portrayed by the Obama administration, and the returning prime minister's rejection of the bad deal that The West is trying to negotiate with Iran, it seems likely that for at least the next two years, Israel will be totally alone in her fight to remain a sovereign nation.  Netanyahu, however, has proven to know what it takes to do so.

As the old saying goes, "If Islam were to lay down its weapons, there would be peace.  If Israel was to lay down it weapons, there would be no Israel."

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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