"WHOOPS! There goes another OF-109.....":
A reporter asks about Hillary's OF-109 form -- which she either signed (and would thus be guilty of perjury) or didn't (and would thus be guilty of blowing off the law, requiring people to sign the OF-109 upon separation from State) -- and Jen Psaki replies with all the competence and credibility we've come to expect from one of the GiggleTwins.
Either she certified that she had no classified material in her possession upon leaving State, which would certainly be false, or she just blew off the law requiring her to so certify.
Aaaaaaaand everybody yawns. We yawn because this is just more of the same Clinton cocksuckery they've been churning out for a quarter of a century. Libs yawn because the imperative of electing a POTUS with a vagina is more important even than global warming. And moderates yawn because they have a eustachial oxygen imbalance, or they haven't had their naps, or they've learned a nifty new skill and can't resist showing off.
Don't believe me? It's already been polled:
But here's the problem: Only the barest of majorities, of 51%, rate Hillary Clinton's deliberate flouting of transparency laws, destruction of government records, and gross mishandling of classified intelligence as "serious" or "very serious". 48% - one percent more than Mitt Romney's notorious 47% - say it's not very serious or not even a problem at all.
Basically the Democrat Party consists of humanoid Robots who cash checks from the federal government, and Robots need their Fuel-Money.
The good news? This survey was of the usual "adults," not the "registered voters" of the bulk of campaigns seasons and "likely voters" of the two or three days before actual elections. And it still showed an actual (if razor-thin) majority not buying into the standard Clinton scandalibi. That does not bode well for the most overrated politician ever. Not well at all.
Mein Gott, Jen's hoots have gotten even more enormous, haven't they? Guess that means her IQ is approaching Stephen Hawking territory.
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