Friday, March 20, 2015

"Queer Nation" Massively Retaliates Against Heather Barwick

by JASmius

Mrs. Barwick, the "gay community" is not going to have this conversation with you. You may still consider them to be your people, but they don't see you that way. You didn't follow in your mother's footsteps. You "went straight". And now you're opposing the holy grail of the Lavender Lobby, and committing the sacrilege of pointing out the self-evident truth that placing young children in "same-sex" households is tantamount to child abuse.

You have crossed the line. You are now the enemy. And they are going to come after you with everything they've got. I hope you can afford private security, because you and your family now have a permanent target on your backs.

-Me, nineteen hours and twenty minutes ago

See, I told you so:

Gay community, I am also your daughter. My moms raised me from birth. The only dad I had was a sperm donor who was anonymous. I was raised in a wonderful family. The only ignorance I have faced was from those who felt a father is necessary in raising a child. I have worked for years educating the gay and straight community alike that my family structure is just as good for raising children as any other, so I feel the need to respond to Heather Barwick, a daughter of gay moms, who believes her family structure (my family structure) was detrimental to her upbringing.

Not only does she openly admit that her father “wasn’t a great guy,” but she says that he abandoned her after the divorce, and that her mother’s new same-sex partner didn’t fill the spot of her father.

I want to first say that her feelings about her father are legitimate. However, they are not relevant to the argument that she needed a father in her upbringing. As with many children of divorced parents, she didn’t feel like the new replacement for her old parent was suitable. Regardless of gender, she wouldn’t have felt like the new person dating her mother would have been what she needed. What she felt she needed wasn’t a dad but her dad.

Heather, you may be looking at your lovely family and think that your husband is an amazing father, and I’m sure he is. This doesn’t mean that you can discount my family structure because of the lack of structure you were raised in. There are plenty of dysfunctional families led by a mother and a father, and there are plenty of wonderful families led by single parents, grandparents, same-sex parents, etc.

So please, Heather, in regard to your less-than-adequate upbringing, don’t play the “gay card.” Your parents may not have supported you, but do not put the blame on my family’s, or any other LGBT family’s, structure. Your family being dysfunctional had nothing to do with your mother being gay. It had everything to do with having a father, a mother and a stepmother who all failed you as parents in some way or another.

As a young girl, you were abandoned and raised in a negative, man-hating environment where you felt you couldn’t speak, but this does not give you the right to strike out at the gay community as a whole.

Heather Barwick is now officially a "heretic" from the "gay community" she thinks she's still a part of for discovering, and publicly giving voice to, the truth about the manifest, satanic lie that is the sordid, perverse homosexual "lifestyle" and the tragedy of its normalization.  And for her, it's only going to get worse.  I hope martyrdom is something for which she's prepared.

And not just metaphorically.

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