Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Border Patrol: Sex Offenders Pouring Into U.S.

by JASmius

Like, for example, Obama "DREAMer" Hermes Rivera:

A man living in Kenner [Louisiana] has been charged with three counts of aggravated rape against a ten-year-old girl after the victim was seen in a video claiming they “made love,” police said.

The mother of the girl found the cell phone video on Thursday, April 16th, 2015. It was recorded by her daughter. On it, the victim alleged that she and her mother’s boyfriend had “made love” three times.

So ol' Hermes was already getting some via fornicative means, and just couldn't resist adding a little pedophilia on the side.  Kind of "keeping it all in the family," I suppose.

25-year-old Hermes Rivera admitted to police that he had sex with the victim three times between March and April 3rd, 2015.

Rivera remains in custody. At the writing of this report, no bond had been set.

Police said Rivera is an "undocumented immigrant."

Natch.  And he's one of countless others:

According to the feds, illegal immigrant sex offenders have been caught in every corner of the Rio Grande Valley.

Border Patrol agents are running into more sex offenders this year than last year.

Within the last five months, 144 [have been] apprehended.

During the same time last year, 93 sex offenders were caught trying to fly under the radar.

Which means the number that slipped through scot free to bugger and rape American kids to their hearts' content is probably in the thousands.

A little reminder:

The United States shall....protect each of [the States] against Invasion....and....against domestic Violence. (Article IV, Section 4)

A duty that the Obama Regime is flatly, flagrantly, and openly derelicting.  Which makes this feigned clueness all the more grating:

Agents cannot say why more sex offenders are attempting to cross. They often try to travel to the U.S. to avoid legal repercussions for the crimes they committed in their home countries. [emphasis added]

Really?  I have a pretty good idea.

Exit question: I wonder if Señor Rivera has coordinated with Planned Parenthood yet.

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