Monday, April 13, 2015

Former Homosexual Joe Dallas Challenges Obama and Gay Agenda: "Change is Possible"

By Douglas V. Gibbs

President Barack Obama recently called for, and plans to force into place through an executive order, an end to religious gay conversion/reparative therapies.  His decision to make such a royal proclamation followed the suicide of a teenager who threw himself in front of a tractor-trailer, as a result of, according to an online suicide note, religious therapists trying to convert him back to being a boy.  Later, the New York Times admitted that Obama's executive order would not cover the suicidal teen, but would be limited to sexual orientation and gender identity, not gender (genital mutilation).  Additionally, it is fascinating that none of the folks supporting Barack Obama's decision to chase after his latest dictatorial mandate take into account the suicides by homosexuals and transgenders that never participated in any gay conversion/reparative therapies.

Obama's decision was predicated on the false premise that homosexuals are born homosexual and cannot change their lifestyle due to genetic factors.  With that in mind, Barack Obama, and the minions of the homosexual agenda, have determined that any opposition to the gay agenda must be silenced and controlled by the force of law.

New York Times op-ed writer Frank Bruni has even gone so far as to suggest that Christians must fully embrace the gay lifestyle, or be coerced into doing so by the force of law.

According to Bruni, the freedom we enjoy in an American Society has no room for Christian bigots.  Christianity's negative moral assessment of homosexual relations is “a choice” that “prioritizes scattered passages of ancient texts over all that has been learned since — as if time had stood still, as if the advances of science and knowledge meant nothing.”

In other words, stop clinging to your Bible, for your religious views are ancient, and there is no room for them in the evolving American culture.  Change, or be changed involuntarily, whether you like it, or not.

While Bruni is telling Christians to abandon their beliefs or else, completely abandoning the once popular leftist mantra of Voltaire's "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it," he is also saying that since the Christian belief regarding sexual morality is a choice, and change is possible, the force of law must be used to compel Christians to make the change.

In short, Bruni says that Christians who resist the homosexual agenda must be forcibly reeducated, while Obama is saying that homosexuals must not be allowed to even voluntarily participate in conversion therapy (especially if that participation in the therapy was recommended and actuated by the parents of a minor).  After all, the leftist worldview dictates that homosexuals can't change, so quit trying to change them, and God's law can change, so get with the program, you crazy, right wing, Bible-clinging Christians, and change your views!

But, what if homosexuality is not inherent by birth, and change is possible?  And what if Christians don't want to change, and bow to the rule of men and their golden calf?

Isn't Bruni using discrimination to stamp out his view of discrimination?

According to Bruni, and his fellow gay activist Mitchell Gold, church leaders must be made to take homosexuality off the sin list, because being gay is not a choice.

So, while homosexual activists support that government should be dictating belief to churches and enforcing theological orthodoxy because homosexuals, in their minds, can't change, but Christians can change, what happens when it is proven that there is no "gay gene," and that change is possible when it comes to homosexuality?  And as Joe Dallas, a former homosexual states, even if there was a propensity to be homosexual, change is possible, and therefore it is reasonable to seek God's creative intent because of that possibility.

Better yet, let's give what Joe Dallas has to say a listen, and decide for yourselves:

Joe Dallas was the guest speaker at the April 4, 2015 Constitution Association regular meeting in Menifee, California.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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